So I have this thing with planners. Every year I spent inappropriate amount of time to search (online and offline) for the perfect planner. And I have to say, I haven’t found the perfect one for me yet. So far, I have been using the Moleskine weekly planner. It has one week spread on one page and a lined page for notes on the other. As I do not like the horizontal layout, the weekly one has been working well for me. But I also wanted more space at the end of each month for some photos and memory keeping plus some other tweaks here and there.
It was middle of January and I was still without the 2018 planner, so I decided to design it myself. I used Illustrator and created simple monthly and weekly layouts. Then I added Liz’s monthly word art. It already looked perfect to me, but as I love velum, I decided to add a velum page with one of perfect Liz’s handwritten quotes at the beginning of each month.
First I went to printers to ask how I should print and prepare the pages for them to bind it. Then I printed it at home on a chalk paper 120gsm (it’s smooth and writing does not show on other side, therefore perfect for planners). Then it took about 10 days to have it binned and finished. The choice of cover materials was quite limited as I needed a digital gold print on the cover (the twenty eighteen word art).
Do you find it hard to find the perfect planner for you? Or the design and layout is not that important for you? If you found your THE planner, I would love to hear which one it is.
Thank you for reading and see you in March!
This is perfect! Simple and so beautifully done! I would love to make something similar. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Mary, let me know if you have any questions about the process
WoW! That’s pretty! Enjoy your year!!
Thank you so much, I hope in more journaling and documenting, should make it a daily habbit
This is amazing!
Thank you Esther for your kind words
Maybe for the year 2019 there could be a physical product to buy online and ship worldwide..? Just a thought
I’m still looking for the perfect one too.
In July, Chatman left Oklahoma City to travel to Las Vegas, Nevada, and arrived on July 9 or 10, going by the first name of Elizabeth, Liz and Eli.
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What a great idea, what a perfect layout! I love it!! I love the whole idea
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Hi there! I too am obsessed with planners and I have had everything from Erin Condren to Franklin Covey but none of them seem “just right.” I am currently looking for my 2019 one and I’m going between the Passion Planner and the Panda Planner. I would love to create my own but I have no idea how or where to start. I am okay with Photoshop but have no clue about illustrator. Any tips? Thank you, your planner is beautiful!