elsa dress in the making

My 4 year old daughter is currently obsessed with Elsa, one of the sisters in Disney’s latest movie, Frozen.  Unfortunately, the dresses are sold out until March. That’s a long time in a little girl’s world so I thought I’d make her cape to play with until the dresses are back in stock. I found this gorgeous sheer material (I think it’s organza) with sparkly silver detailing at Joann’s.



I took the fabric to my Mom’s house and we set out to make this cape. And by making it together, I mean, I told her what I wanted and she made it. The end result looked great but was far from ideal.  It turned out looking more like a super hero cape than an Elsa cape. I also had big concerns about the safety of the cape. I didn’t want the fastener to hang at her neck because I was using a ribbon tie instead of velcro closures. The cape was designed to lay over her shoulder with the tie around her chest, which would have worked great if she just, you know, stood still.  But it turns out little girls like to run around so they can see it flowing behind them and sure enough the tie would eventually end up around her neck. Not good. So it was back to the drawing board.


Maybe attaching elastic rings at both ends so she could slip her arms through it and sort of “wear it” would solve the problem? No need for ties and the cape would drape much more like Elsa’s, starting near the top of her back.  Then crazy thoughts started flooding in. Wouldn’t it be great to add sheer sleeves to this? What top would she wear with this? A tank top? And what about the skirt? Make I can make a skirt too.  And before I knew it, this “make a cape” project turned into a full blow “make the entire ensemble” project. I’ve never sewn a garment in my life but I wasn’t going to let that deter me. That’s not true. I made a dress once in my high school home economics class. (Do they even offer that in high school nowadays?  Man, I’m dating myself here.)


I made a sloppy mockup out of muslin, pinned all the pieces on Madeline to make sure it fit and sent a photo of it to my mom. She called me and said (in Chinese), “The back looks great. The front….needs work.” I asked her if she could teach me how to fix it, or rather, make it properly and she replied as she always does with my sewing requests, “Yes.” I thought back on past projects we’ve undertaken. They all started with the best of intentions – me wanting to learn from my mom – but somewhere along the way I would get impatient or scared I would mess up and she always ended up taking over and finishing the project for me.

I don’t want this project to end up like the others. I want to see this through to the end. I want to do everything from beginning to end. I want to learn this trade from my mom. I want to learn as much as I can from her.


Armed with the muslin pieces and drove to Downtown LA to shop for fabric. It took me two hours to make all fabric selections, 5 in all just for the Elsa dress. (I also got material to make an Anna dress for Audrey. )



The following day I got a crash course in sewing. My mom taught me how to turn the muslin mockup into a proper pattern, she taught me how to cut fabric properly (I was handling it the way I would cut paper and my cuts were jaggy) and she taught me how to sew gathers. Cutting fabric is hard. I have to unlearn my paper cutting habits. Sewing straight lines? Even harder. I lost count how many times I had to rip out my work and start over.

The dress is almost done. This weekend’s project? Add sheer sleeves, cape and I need to figure out the best way to bustle the train.



Blog Comments


This is just gorgeous! Love hearing how you’re pushing yourself outside if your comfort zone for your girls. And learning from your mum! My nana taught me to sew when I was young and your words reminded me of those days.

Thanks for sharing, and look forward to seeing the final results!


I never took much of an interest in sewing until now. Being able to learn from my Mom is truly the greatest gift!

Where can I get a copy of your pattern?

[…] elsa dress in the making – 1 freebie(s)? […]

Got to love your determination Liz.
I never showed any interest in sewing, just wasn’t my thing and my Mum was just so talented. She died last year and l’ve since inherited her sewing machine. So here am l having to go to classes and reading books so l can actually use the thing !! What l would give to have Mum show me 🙂

My deepest condolences for your loss Chrisy. How every wonderful though that you’ve inherited your mom’s sewing machine. What a treasure!

Wow, awesome! My 2 & 4 year olds are obsessed with Elsa and Anna!! They run around singing the songs (bought the soundtrack) all day and my oldest has changed her favorite color from pink to blue because of Elsa… LOL!

If you haven’t seen this gal’s work, you should definitely check out her options for children’s shirts in her “Frozen” work, it’s amazing: http://risarodil.tumblr.com/

Omigosh Dawn, they are AWESOME!! Thanks for sharing!

This is fantastic : ) Way to go! I made Gracie’s Halloween costume (which involved clothing she actually had to wear) by making it all up. I wish I had someone to advise me, but it turned out OK (though not particularly well-sewn in any way shape or form). Learn as much as you can from your mom : )

You are amazing Elizabeth. I am so fortunate that my Mom was able to walk be through the entire process. I wouldn’t have been able to pull it off otherwise!

Wow, that’s looking amazing! And how great to be able to learn from your mum. My kids love that movie, they sing the songs and play it with whatever toys they have. The dress looks so beautiful!

Thanks so much Fiona! My girls sing Frozen songs all day long too! Have you seen the Sing-a-long version that just came out?

You’re doing an incredible job – it looks like it was sewn by an experienced seamstress. These fabrics aren’t the easiest to work with either – kudos to you for your persistence. Her dress is going to be 100’s of times better than the premade store bought costume. And it will be all the more special to her because you made it for her.

Thanks so much Sandy! I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I picked those fabrics! I specifically picked stretch material for the bodice because I didn’t want to have to sew a zipper. I thought I was being smart. Lol, little did I know! I’ve lot count on how many times I had to rip out my work. Sewing straight lines on lycra is my nemesis!

Your dress looks beautiful!! May I please ask the name of the blue fabric that you purchased at Joann’s? The first image at the top? I am making a similar dress now for my little girl and would love to order it. However, we haven’t been able to locate that fabric on the Joann’s site.

Thank you so very much in advance,

Hi Elena,

I don’t remember the name of the blue fabric, I’m sorry!

Beautiful dress! I also made a dress for my granddaughter, and it turned out beautiful as well. I’m still trying to figure out how to make a bustle for the long train, so let me know if you can help. Best Regards, Janie

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