documenting the hour, 7am


(A collaboration with Rhonda Mason)

I’m excited to embark on a photography/documenting/blogging project with Ronnie of Pink Ronnie. Most of you know, I am a huge fan of her photography, memory keeping style and overall minimalist aesthetics. When she emailed asking if I’d be interested in joining her on a documenting the hour series I wholeheartedly said yes. I love the idea of focusing on a particular hour of the day as a way of recording the rhythms and routine of everyday life. It’s a concept I explored briefly in putting together our 2010 Photobook, though I was working backwards so to speak, using the time of capture as a writing prompt. I’m excited to revisit this, but this time, with the hour in mind before I pick up the camera.



Like Ronnie, I am fascinated with the idea of chasing and capturing light at different times of day. It’s something that I wanted to experiment with when I chose light as my One Little Word for 2013. Like most New Year’s resolution things go, I started off strong but ran out of steam after Week 11. Where I went wrong I think was not making it a priority to carve out time once a week to pick up the camera to take photos just for the sake of taking photos – not to capture a smile or a sweet moment or an image for an upcoming product release. For no reason at all except to experiment and have fun.




The seventh hour marks the start of the day for us.

During the weekdays it moves at a frenetic pace – waking up, eating breakfast, getting dressed, making sure teeth are brushed, faces are washed, and backpacks are ready to go. Notice how there are no photos of sleeping kids? By the time I get out of bed around 7:30 everyone in the house is already up and about. Most nights I go to bed between 2:00 to 3:00 AM so Eric (bless his heart) gets up first and cooks breakfast for the girls so I can get an extra half hour of sleep.


Me at the seventh hour. Cup of coffee (morning must have) in hand. Almost ready to start the day.

Be sure to check out how what the seventh hour looks like on the other side of the hemisphere in Ronnie’s post here.

Blog Comments

Liz, this is wonderful! I love how different your summer light is to my winter light. That first shot is amazing, and it’s so nice to have more of a glimpse into your family life.
Ronnie xo

Thank you Ronnie! That first photo is such a lucky gem! I am enjoying this process so thoroughly – both the documenting of everyday activities and exploring light and composition. Thank you for inviting me to come along this journey with you, I can already tell that will learn a lot.

Hi Liz

I have popped over from Ronnie’s blog however I am familiar with your blog and I have been a fan of your photography and photo books for a few years. I agree with Ronnie that the top photo is lovely and I’m sure having this little project is just what you need to focus on your Word of the Year. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

Thank you Kathy for popping in from Ronnie’s blog! I think you are right, this project might be just what I need to focus on my OLW for 2013. I’m excited to see where this experiment will take us!

2 or 3 am?? Good gracious, Liz! I thought I was bad. 🙂 I’m a night owl, and I always swear going to reform…tomorrow. 🙂 Love the pics, you and Ronnie are so creative!

Almost every morning I silently curse myself for staying up late…again. I vow to go to sleep earlier but inevitably, no matter how tired I am during the course of the day when 9pm rolls around I’m wide wide awake. One of these days….if you figure out how to get to bed earlier, please share. My grey hairs and the bags under my eyes will thank you. 🙂

This is so great! You and Ronnie have really inspired me to stop and document these little details!

Thank you Beth. So thrilled that you’re inspired to embark on this journey as well!

Love this idea, please keep posting and updating us on this!

Thank you Sara! Really excited about where this project will take us. 🙂

I’m with Ronnie, you really notice the difference in light. At 6 this morning the temp was -1. I got out of bed to put the kettle on, admired the solar lights still glowing in the backyard and climbed back into bed. I wish I had thought to take a photo. Both yours and Ronnies are so beautiful.

Thank you Aimee! That photo you took earlier today just blows my mind, btw. So inspiring!

I’m a huge fan of both of you, totally love your styles for documenting life. I love this project, and I love your photos! If it’s OK, I’m going to embark on this fantastic project and document the hours of my little family. Marie xoxo

Thank you so much Marie. We would love nothing more than for you to embark on this project as well! Looking forward to seeing what you capture in your hours.

I woke up to this beautiful post this morning. Love the pictures of empty beds, and the way a few photos capture the essence of the hour. You’ve inspired me to try this in our house with our 7:00 (pm) hour. I’m so glad you shared! Feeling inspired to pick up the camera today. Thanks, Liz! Now off to Pink Ronnie…

Thank you for your kind words Catherine! Cannot wait to see what you’ve captured of your day. To be honest, this project is not an easy one for me. The first day, waking up at 7am was a triumph in and of itself! It took me a few days to get just the right photos. Taking photos at the same time every morning and then reviewing it the same day helped me to think about what I captured, what I liked, what I didn’t like, what I missed, what I would like to capture the next day, etc.

I am hoping it will start to become more intuitive as I do this project progresses.

Hi Liz, have long been a fan of your blog and just recently discovered Ronnie’s. You guys teaming up is simply the perfect combination! Will be following this series with interest 🙂 Oh and random question – I LOVE the pink check bedding set….can I ask where you got it?!

Thank you kindly Thea! The pink bedding is from Ikea (Emmie Ruta) – it’s striped on one side and gingham (checkered?) on the other. I just went on the site to get you a link but it doesn’t appear to be working, I hope it hasn’t been discontinued.

This is truly a brilliant idea, Liz! I love both yours and Ronnie’s photos!

I think i’ll join and post some photos in my blog too! 🙂

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