Baby album month dividers

Hello lovely. Caylee here.

Now that my baby has turned one, it’s time to finish off the baby album. I’ve been keeping a list for each month of his first year, plus the first few weeks. Having a baby has been so chaotic that most months I could just write bullet points of what he’s loving and what he’s not loving. And that’s been enough.

These monthly summaries are done up until 12 months, and so I’m finalising the dividers. In the video I share my process for what I tried and what I settled with for my album:

I’m obsessed with Liz’s hand lettering, and I’m so excited to have it as part of my album. Now onto the first year photo album!

Products: Year One Baby Album

♥ Caylee

You can see previous paislee press projects, or find more bits of me at my blog.

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