First day of school

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Man, how they’ve grown.

The girls started a new school year last week. It took me a day or two to adjust to a quiet house again. It felt eerily still and empty without the girls’ chatter.  But it’s also been nice to be able to sit down and work for more than 15 minute increments. I’m ready now to dive back into a regular work + crafting schedule. First up: getting their school albums up to date. That means tackling the boxes of artwork and papers I’ve been collecting since they started preschool.

I’m ready to declutter and downsize and make room for new projects.  Or heck, just to have a clean organized space, devoid of clutter for once. The challenge now will be to convince my sentimental-hoarder self that letting go is a good thing. Stay tuned.

Blog Comments

God bless them :). Every year they grow to be more adorable. I started to follow your blog just because of your daughters 🙂

I hope they are doing great. You are very lucky to have them 🙂

They are so lovely these girls! and your pictures as well

Seriously that 2012 picture is beyond precious. My oldest turned four over the weekend and it was kind of devastating. It goes so fast! Love these pics.

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