meet the 2013 creative team


The creative team page finally got a long overdue makeover.  It’s current and up to date and now includes a new feature that I’m super excited about- dedicated pages and galleries for each team member.

You can access each member’s page by clicking on their photo. Read fun facts, things like what their favorite fonts are, whether they like coffee or tea, and what their approach to design is, etc. I encourage you to take a moment to browse this new section and get to know this amazing group of women.



As I was drafting this blog post, it occurred to me that I haven’t done a “meet the creative team” type post since I last held a creative team call. That was back in 2010! Members have come and gone in the past three years. I don’t have plans of holding creative team calls on a regular basis, but I do think it is appropriate to officially introduce the team on a yearly basis, right?

So with that, hello and welcome, 2013 Creative Team.

Also, meet the marketing assistant.


I also want to take this moment to announce that Kelly, who’s been a member of the creative team since 2010, has recently taken on the role of marketing assistant. She will be working closely with me on product releases (managing behind the scenes tasks) and managing/overseeing the development of a few blog series.

To say that I’m excited doesn’t even come close to describing how I’m feeling.

Welcome aboard Kelly!

Blog Comments

so very cool… what an awesome team you have, Liz 🙂

what an awesome feature to see the gals pages! Great team!

— dalis

How wonderful Liz!!! Congratulations Kelly!
Ronnie xo

I feel truly blessed to be part of your AMAZING team of artists, Liz … thank you so much!

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