something new on the horizon

I’ve spent the past few weeks preparing for big changes around here. It is with a bit of mixed emotions that I write to tell you that I will be closing my shop at Oscraps next Thursday, October 18th. I’ve had the great honor of calling Oscraps my home since 2006 and the past six years have been an absolutely incredible journey.  The most amazing of times, actually.  Sometimes I look back and I still can’t believe that I ended up here – being able to do what I love for a living. I know with absolute certainty that I would not have gotten to where I am without the guidance, support and amazing environment that Vicki (the store owner) created at Oscraps. It’s truly a one of a kind place and I will forever be grateful to Vicki for all she’s done for me (and so many other designers in the industry).

Change is a good thing? I usually avoid it at all cost but this time I’m embracing it with open arms. I will be opening my shop at a new store on Friday, October 19th. The fact of the matter is, I’ve changed and now am finding myself somewhere in between 100% digital and 100% paper crafting, and I think you can see that in the products I design. The store I will be moving to has a vibrant community of hybrid scrapbookers and I think it will be a good fit for where I see myself headed.  I’m super excited about beginning this new chapter. Change is a good thing.

I’m running a 40% off sale on the products that I won’t be bringing over to the new store. You can find those products in the paislee press promotions category HERE. Grab them while you can because after October 18th, they will no longer be available!

I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support over the years – for reading my posts here, for purchasing my kits, for creating with them and sharing your pages and stories with me. I have enjoyed every minute of it and am looking forward to doing this for many more years to come.



Blog Comments

OMG… I will miss you:(

Congrats!!! I have a guess as to where you are going 🙂 (If I’m right, I am a little sad because I stepped down from the CT there a few years ago…)

Good luck with the move!

thanks for the inspiration at oScraps Liz!! I so love all you do. Good Luck with your new adventure!

Oh, I don’t like change either! It’s always difficult. But many times, upon reflection, I’ve been able to see tremendous blessing and growth in those circumstances. But there are things that just seem right, that you can count on, that seem like everything in the world makes sense. For me, you being at Oscraps is one of those things! Oh my…yikes! So needless to say, I WILL MISS YOU being there! BUT I will gladly tag along with you on this next part of your journey. 🙂 All the very best to you, Liz!

I am excited to follow wherever you go ; )

That’s so exciting, best of luck with the “move”! I’ll definitely be stocking up on some things that are being discontinued, and will be checking out your new space once it’s open!

Change is always tough, especially when its from something that’s been so incredibly successful, but I know you’ll be doing something awesome! Good luck wherever your adventures take you!

Congratulations on your new adventure! It’s never easy to say goodbye, but it’ll be easy to say hello as this is what you needed right now. Wishing you all the best and I’ll see you wherever you go, as I LOVE LOVE LOVE your products! 🙂

Bonne chance 🙂

Ooh, we will miss you @hOme!!!!
Wish you ALL the best at the new place.
Change IS good!

how exciting for you! i kind of am in the same boat. no longer doing traditional sb but still wanting to do digital. i had a hard time letting go of some of my sb items like paper and stamps. looking forward to your new shop…i will follow you wherever you go! not to sound like a creeper, but i have loved your style since you were over at so its been awhile:)

I’m really curious as to where you’re headed, but excited all the same. Your designs are what has actually gotten me really excited about digital scrapbooking, so as long as you keep making some sort of digital design, I’ll be happy!

Best of luck.

Change can be so bittersweet…wishing you the best on this new path, and looking forward to all that is to come. In my eyes, your creativity and skill are unmatched, and such an inspiration. My heart sank reading that first line…then relief! Just happy that you will be *somewhere*!

Change is always hard but I think this quote says it all “If you’re brave to say good-bye life will reward you with a new hello: ~paulo coelho~
And I will definitely always follow your designs to any shop you may go. Happy moving day!

Sure do wish you the best w/ all the upcoming changes!! Will be following you to wherever your new store is! 🙂

You & your designs will be missed at Oscraps, Liz … but it’ll be exciting to find out where your next adventure(s) will take you!

Cheers to you for embracing change! It’s not an easy thing to do. Good luck at your new store – I’ll definitely be interested to see where this change takes you 🙂

I have to admit I gasped at the thought of you closing your shop…then I kept reading. Your kits are continually my favorites. Can’t wait to see what you come up with next. Congrats on the new journey.

Your style is a big inspiration. Everyone is different, but for me your style is the most relatable. I love checking out your products and website. I would love to see more of your project life album using your products, perhaps a weekly or monthly spread? It would also be great if you have paper products as part of your new endeavor, for those of us not too sure about digital scrapbooking! Good luck with the new project!

Hola Liz.
Pense cuando empece a leer tu post q ya no volveria a ver tus creaciones, pero cuando segui leyendo y leo q abres tu propio Store!!!! Guauuuu eso es fantastico. Estoy feliz x ti y desde ya tienes una seguidora xq eres inspiradora y me encanta tu trabajo. Se q te va a ir fantastico!!!! Asi q un cambio a veces es necesario.
Mucha suerteeee y publicamos la Url de tu shop en cuanto la insugures. Besos

oh! good luck for this new adventure 🙂

Gonna miss you, but off course I keep track of you at your new store. Good luck!!!

hey Liz ! what a lovely site you have. I’ll be back for a more thorough look around. I just wanted to stop by quickly and say thanks for the comment re: dog in distress. Sometimes I feel like a crazy woman, some militant freak who wants to scream at the invincibly ignorant & invincibly cruel. Your “you go girl” comment was just what I needed (& wanted) to hear. So thank you from the bottom of my heart xo Susan

Congratulations on your upcoming new store Liz! Can’t wait to see it.
Ronnie xo

Change is good Liz, cannot wait to find out where it is as I have been doing both paper and digital of late (when I get a bit of that elusive thing called TIME!)

Lorraine xx

ALl the very best in this new journey!

Wishing you all the VERY best in this big change … it’s gonna be amazing 🙂

Excited for you! I’m a hybrid kinda girl so I’m excited to see what you do! 🙂

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