Mini Masterpieces (the photobook)

Audrey’s art in a photobook arrived yesterday. I ordered the 12×12 size and I love the scale of it – her drawings have a larger than life feel to them. I love that when Audrey opened the book, she said, “WOAH.

A few months ago Shutterfly asked if I’d be interested in creating a new photobook style for them, one that could be used to showcase children’s artwork. I may or may not have jumped out of my chair when I got that email. At the time I had already collected a huge drawer full of Audrey’s art and was planning on making a photobook of her art.  Coincidence much? Anyways, of course I said, “YES!

The new photobook style is called Mini Masterpieces and is now available at Shutterfly. The style includes 20+ idea pages, with predesigned photo layouts, title placement and even journaling prompts. You can use the idea pages as is or use the customize mode to add more photos/artwork or embellishments.

Here’s a closer look at the printed album.

My daughters had so much fun looking through the album this morning. I can’t wait to collect more of Madeline’s drawings so I can make an album for her as well!

Blog Comments

As always — this is absolutely fabulous!!!!

Thanks so much Kimberly!

Oh, Liz, I just adore this!

Thank you Aja!

So in love with this! I’m curious, how do you digitize the artwork… photograph it or take a picture of it? I need a good workflow for this and taking a picture of it sounds easier to me.

Hi Lauren,

I scanned all of her artwork in at a resolution of 600 dpi – I wanted to be able to print my favorites as full 12×12 pages. Photographing their art is just as good an alternative, if not better. Easier is always better. I used this name sequence for all the files: yearmonthdate-artist-nameofart. Ex. 20110811-Audrey-meandmysister

the book is beyond adorable! i just made one through another company. no fun templates like yours though. i had lots of artwork that were larger or odd size than my scanner would allow so i just photographed everything. how did you scan larger pieces?

When the pieces don’t fit on the scanner bed, I just take a photo of it. Here’s an example of a layout showcasing a diorama project:

Liz, this is AMAZING!!!!! Audrey’s artwork is so adorable and I love the idea of making the book so big. I have been stashing my son’s drawings and this is the perfect way for me to keep them for him! You are so creative – thank you!!!!

Love this and totally doing it!

Really amazing, Liz!

Awesome Liz, just awesome.

Gorgeous book I love how the art in photos look in the 12 x 12 book!

Brilliant! What lucky Shutterfly customers they are to have such a great looking templates at their disposal! Your book is beautiful!!

This is fantastic!! Just yesterday I was wondering what I could do to preserve my boys’ masterpieces… And now I know! Thank you!

This is soooooo amazing! I can’t wait to scan a bunch of the kids stuff and try this! Such a great idea and perfect way to dispose of some of the lose papers laying around 😀

This is SO FANTASTIC, Liz. You are brilliant!

Seriously amazing idea and book! Amazing!

The book idea is fantastic. Love-love-love Audrey’s hair cut. And the two of them checking out the book on the bed is too cute!

fantastic…need to do this for my little artist..x

This looks absolutely amazing!!! This is my next project to do. My Laura is going to be 4 in September and I’m still collecting her drawings. I’ve noticed that in the last few months are less “abstractive” 😉
Your girls are so and creative,just as their mom!

love this! My daughter loves drawing and Ive been wondering the best way to keep it all together! So much nicer than my eldest’s phonebook I made a few years ago through another company.
Thankyou x.

LOVING THIS! I just scanned Lauryn’s artwork from this year for this very purpose. I was a little stressed about how to put it together. So excited!!

Love the 12×12. I ordered 2 of these books last month. I did 8×8 and one for each kiddo. I was a little worried about how my scans of their artwork would transfer over, but they are beautiful and the kids think they are soooo cool! Thanks for designing this…I love mine!!

Awesome Beshka, so happy to hear that you love the books!

Love this!! Such a great way to save your children’s works of art without the clutter!

This just blew me away! In Poland, where I live, we too have photobook service but its still pretty basic. Oh, well, I will think of something – nscanning , scaling, using Illustrator:) Thank you for this wonderful inspiration.

Oh my goodness, I absolutely love this book! I seriously just posted today on my Facebook page that I was looking for a cool way to archive and display my daughter’s artwork! This is soooo cool! I love it!

My goodness, you’ve outdone yourself! This is soooo adorable and my daughter will love, love, love one of these books. Thanks!

Love love love! I have been scanning my daughter’s artwork for the past year–and this will be PERFECT for it. You are so crazy talented girl!!! I have been a fan for at least four years now, love seeing what you come up with time and time again. (Your recent December Daily post was stunning.) I am doing my Project Life layout this week with Twiggy Guava, last week I used a lot of Happy as a Lark–be sure to stop by and check them out:)

Love Paislee Press and have for a long time. This is icing on the cake. The book is really beautiful and you have such great ideas. I love this and can’t wait to make one. 🙂 So glad you did the collab with Shutterfly, they are one of the best.

Ohhhhhhh… this is so very awesome!!! Thanks for sharing your inspiration!
Groetjes from Belgium,

I made an art book a few years ago for my daughter through Shutterfly, and it was a pain to figure out the layout all on my own. I’m so glad you designed something sooooooo much easier to use! Both my daughter and my son need a new book now (his first, her second), and I’m really really excited to use your new format! Thank you so very much!

Adorable project and such a great layout. Shutterfly was smart to ask you to design something–it’s darling!

This is fantastic Liz!!! I have all of Fei’s artwork in a binder and it makes me smile when i look at them. Audrey is such a wonderful artist just like her Mama!!!

HI Liz, your work is truly aw-inspiring, and I just LOVE your style! I have scanned all my daugthers pictures but have yet to do something with them, now I can start putting her beautiful works of art into a photobook, just a question, I live in South Africa, and would need to use a photobook place here to print the book, is it possible to buy the digital psd files so I can put it together and then send it through to the company here that prints photobooks?

Many Thanks

Working on this Anabela! Hoping to get this in the shop before the end of the month.

Hi Liz. Like Anabela, I too live in South Africa and am looking to purchase digital files to put together a photobook for my kids’ art, which I will have to have printed locally. Did you ever make this psd file available to purchase? Anabela, I am in Cape Town – do you have a company to recommend for printing? I was thinking of getting books done at Orms?
Many thanks,

Hi Melissa, I did get the psd files I use a company in Pretoria called Q-photo to print my book you upload your files through their software and your book is printed and couriered to you once done. There is a place in Cape town called that can print for you, Good Luck!

Hi Anabela. Thank you so much for the info, you’re clearly a few steps ahead of me. Sorry to trouble you again but how did you get the psd files? I’d like to purchase them and then use coffeetablebooks to print – they look great. Much appreciated! x

omg! this is amazing! now I’m mad at myself for throwing out the 500+ drawings my kids have done over the years…:P

so completely awesome. thank you these are amazing books to create for my kids overflowing artwork drawers.

Oh my goodness! All I can think is Christmas… check!

Hi Liz, curious to know about how many drawings you used for the book. Thanks!?


I used 31 drawings, 3 photos (of her diorama project) in addition to photos (of her drawing, etc.)

[…] Mini masterpieces.  A nice alternative to messy fridge art. […]

Did you just scan all her drawings and save them as a JPEG? I love the idea!

Exactly Nicole – Scanned and saved as high resolution (600dpi) files.

This is so awesome! I would love to make one of these for my son and daughter. Now I just have to convince them to draw or paint some more! I love your style.

[…] I’m not sure if I’ll ever get Ephram interested in coloring enough to get a collection of artwork going from him, though I’ll continue to wish until I do. If you’ve got a stack of adorable artwork from your little ones, definitely check out the new photobook template by Paislee Press. […]

thank you so much for sharing this!! i am in love with this beautiful way to remember their creations!

I love it! This is perfect for keeping memories my son’s art work and his scribble. Thank you for sharing this!

Great photo book!! 😉

Fab idea!!! I’ve been thinking how to document my daughter’s drawing and art project. This is just perfect! Thank you so much, Liz!

I LOVE this book! I’m just curious if I can purchase the template somehow without using shutterfly? I’d love to go through my own album company. Thank you!

Yes, it won’t be the exact same thing that’s available at Shutterfly now (more customizable options will be available with the templates). Hoping to get that in the shop sometime next week.

this is amazing!! i absolutely love it!

Thank you so much Jodi!

I LOVE THIS! I’ve been meaning to scan all my son’s artwork and print it in a book, and this is an absolutely adorable and perfect way to display them! Thank you SO much for sharing! 🙂

Liz, LOVE this book! I’m trying to create one from Shutterfly tonight and I have a question about your finished album cover page. It’s different then the cover you have on Shutterfly. Do you have an example of that page in your own album? I really like your album cover page but noticed it’s on the first (inside) Shutterfly page. Is there a way to move that cover template to the inside page and the inside page to the cover page like yours?

Did I completely confuse you? LOL


Hi Jen,

I totally get what you want to do. You can definitely change the cover design. To get the same layout design that I used for my cover, you can do so by taking the following steps:

1. Go to the cover page in the mini masterpieces style
2. Select LAYOUTS (on the top left corner)
3. Select the layout design you want (the one I used is the 4th on the right column.

Attached is a screenshot of it:

Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions.

Thanks Liz, I’ll give it a shot!
Is there a way to move the Shutterfly cover page to a regular page in the book? I love that template but was hoping it elsewhere.



The cover and the inside pages have different dimensions so it’s not possible to swap out idea pages, but there is a layout in the book that’s very similar to the cover. Look at the end page (page 20) – exact same layout, just add the white frame from the embellishments section (and make sure to slick “send to back” so the frame goes behind the photo spot).

Not a problem! Thanks so much. I played around a bit and ended up using some of the frame stickers to create another ‘multi’ photo page too. Love that option! I think I’m going to go 12×12 size!

Thanks for your fast reply! I hope to have everything compiled and ready to purchase in the next day or two!

I was originally going to create my own digi layouts for a artwork album, but when I saw your amazing one already done I knew I had to have one too. 🙂 Thanks for making it easier on me! 🙂

Oh, and your little girl is a wonderful artist!

Take care,
Jen Papadimitriou

Ahhh! I ADORE this! I have been searching for the perfect way to archive my little guy’s drawings…amazing work!

This is beautiful! Do you know if they offer gift cards for this product to give to parents so that they can collect and create with their child? Just thinking this would be an awesome Christmas gift for my sister and her kids!

Yes, you can purchase shutterfly gift cards here:

I just stumbled upon your blog while looking for info on deciding on a printer, a size, a style. I love your style. Great stuff. I’m so excited to make a similar book.

[…] essa situação, a designer Liz Tamanaha, dona da empresa “pailee press“, criou o Mini Masterpieces, um albúm de fotografia lindão e todo minimalista que está disponível para venda aqui. São […]

This is so cool! I’m glad I stumbled upon it! 😀

You are a creative genius, Liz. Biggest congrats. Love Shutterfly and love that your book is now there – I’m so onto it. Thank you!

So sweet, thank you Tania!

[…] Turn your child’s drawings that do hold sentimental value into a book, or even a stuffed friend!   A little bit about me: I live with my husband and two little girls, […]

This is possibly THE most stunning example of collecting and displaying kids art that I have ever seen. I’d love to share… hope you don’t mind!

This is just what I’ve been looking for. I have been traveling with my children’s artwork around the world, literally. I can’t wait to try this out. Fantastic!!

[…] Paislee Press This project can be found as part of our FREE downloadable Journal Activity Cards for […]

Hi, Liza!

The minute I saw this template, I knew I had to make one as this was the answer I was looking for on how to document my kids’ artwork.

I’ve started on a few pages and was hoping to get some tips from you

1. For the journaling part of the book can you give some ideas or tips for what to do when I don’t have much to say about the picture?

2. Is there a certain flow that you followed?

3. Any other hints for how much art to include in one book? currently I have only managed to scan/photograph images from within the past couple years…

Thank you!

Hi Arlyna,

So thrilled that you found the templates!

1. When I’m at a loss for words, I usually start by just adding the basics:
– title of the drawing (something as simple as “my house” or sometimes, I include what she said when she showed me the drawing “this is me wearing lipstick momma!”
– date they drew the picture and how old they were at the time

Usually I find that by the time I get those things typed out, I’ll think of something I want to add. Sometimes staring at that blank space is most intimidating, but once you start filling it up, the words start flowing. And if you find that you still have nothing to write, I think it’s ok to leave it at that.

For this album in particular, the journaling entries were from her perspective (which is why I ended up calling the album “the world according to audrey”). Maybe consider asking your child questions, ie., Can you tell me what’s happening in this drawing? what is your favorite part of this picture? why did you want to draw this cat/car/flower? How do rainbows make you feel?

2. I definitely followed a work flow. First, I worked in chronological order (both with the scanning of photos and when it came time to arrange photos/layouts in the album). I like this workflow for several reason. First, it takes the guess work out of how I’m going to arrange the photos (I didn’t have to struggle with questions like do I want to feature the flowers first or the family portraits?) With all the creative choices that we’re faced with when designing a book its nice to have some things that we don’t have to think about twice. I also like how chronology plays out when I’m flipping through the book – seeing the progression from simple scribbles to more intricate drawings. With that being said, I did veer from the chronological order a few times throughout the book. Specifically when I found “themes” in her drawings (ie., self portraits, drawings of her toys, rainbows, etc.) I created collages for those because seeing them all together at once made for a bigger impact than if they were individually scattered throughout the album.

My second workflow principle is using the “world according to me” perspective.

And lastly, I tried to match up her drawings with photos (ie., pair a “this is my family” drawing with an actual family portrait).


I’ve actually managed to finish my kids’ books. I have twins so I usually have to do two. And I’ve found, as I was working on the content, was both don’t have to be exactly the same and it was really a fun process.

I’ve sent my artwork to the local printers and I cannot wait for Monday when I get these delivered!

I didn’t want to ask my kids about the artwork I included as I wanted the books to be a surprise.

So excited! So THANK YOU again for this great template!

Wow that’s awesome Arlyna, congrats!! I wish I’d responded to your questions earlier, it was one of those things where I had lots to say and I kept putting off until I found a chunk of uninterrupted time to draft it. My apologies for the delay but it looks like you didn’t need it at all. You were on a mission and you work super super fast. 🙂

Sharing the albums with your kids is going to be an amazing moment!!

No worries… It was a nice challenge and plus you had some sample pages which I looked to for inspiration. 🙂

[…] the best way I’ve yet seen to save your child’s art work: Mini Masterpieces from Shutterfly. (Or your own, for that […]


I l.o.v.e your idea!!!
i used it for my post today…

have a quick look, and let me know, if it´s ok with u!!!

greetings from sunny germany…

yours nancy

I just finished taking pictures of my son’s pre-school artwork before recycling it. Would love to try this new format out. Glad i saw this on Pinterest.

I’m so happy I stumbled upon this via Pinterest. I’ve always wanted to compile my daughter’s artwork into a book, and that I’ve seen how beautiful it can be, I am more motivated to get it done. (Your daughters are adorable btw!)

Hi Liz,
I am seriously still in awe of this book and have plans to use it for all our boys down the track!
One question about your workflow – have you kept any of the original artwork?
Would love to hear your thoughts!
Ronnie xo

Thanks Ronnie! Yes, I am definitely hanging on to the original artwork, for no other reason now except that I have a hard time letting go of certain pieces for sentimental reasons and the original is well….the original. I plan on doing something with the originals, just not sure what yet. Either inspiration will hit in a few years or I’ll be drowning in a mountain of kids drawings. 🙂

[…] I found THIS by Paislee Press.  It is a wonderful book all laid out and you just add in photos of your […]

Wow what an amazing idea!! Then you have these as a keepsake and do not feel bad when you have to recycle out their old art work when you have too many 🙂
Thanks for sharing

thank you for such an inspiring project and idea ! i hope that i will be able to compleate in such perfect way!

That’s fabulous! What a treasure.

Such a great idea! just wooow.i’m wondering that can be gift to a boy.i like really much to draw and my boyfriend like those.we wanted to make a children book with my pictures,but we didn’t have enough time for my question is: is it stupid to make to my boyfriend an “art book”? i’d draw things what both of us like…hmmm have to think about 🙂

oh yeah he’ll be 26,i’m 22 years old but both of us like children 🙂 I ADORE this!!! I have so much of my kids artwork here and there and everywhere. This would be great way to get it all into one place!!! Did you have any drawings that were really, really big? If you did, how did you incorporate those?

Nothing bigger than 8.5x 11. But, she did have a diorama that was 12x 8 in size and it’s bulky so we obviously couldn’t scan. For larger scale projects, photographing is the easiest way to go!

This is such a wonderful project. It is a beautiful way to preserve your children’s art. My son Matthew just turned ten and I have tons of his artwork that I was not sure how to catalogue. Thanks for sharing your process and wonderful idea.

It’s brilliant idea!!! 🙂

Hi! Just happily stumbled across your blog and am in love! This is exactly what I need right now as I try to come up with a system to get our family images better organized. So looking forward to following you 🙂

[…] Paislee Press […]

This is such an amazingly awesome idea!! My daughter loves to draw and I never know what to do with all the paper. This is this years Christmas gift for her. Thanks for posting this! I am pinning this to, it is just to good not to share.

Hi Liz
I love this so much.I bought the templates but I was wondering what fonts you used for your album.

Thanks Moi, hope you enjoy using the templates! Fonts, the title font is strangelove and the subtitle font is helvetica.

[…] using matching frames. Including photos in this would be super easy! 3. Love these Clipboards! 4. Photo Book inspired by Paislee Press 5. A collage of scanned artwork is great for displaying artwork were you […]

Wonderful idea! I want one for mi daughter 😀

[…] 5.- Preparar un libro personalizado con sus dibujos, en cualquier web de personalización de foto álbumes tipo Fotoprix, sería diseñar un photobok con las fotos de los dibujos de los niños, y ponerle además alguna foto de ellos. Es un regalo precioso y un recuerdo chulísmo. Este photobook tan bonito es de Paislee Pres […]

[…] MiniMasterpieces […]

[…] Mini Masterpieces (the photobook) by Paislee Press […]

Could you please tell me what type of light and space you photographed your child’s artwork in (outside, inside, bright sunlight, no sunlight, etc). Thank you!!

The majority of them were scanned in. If you plan on photographing, choose a spot with ample natural light. I usually photograph near a window.

what scanner do you recommend? i so grateful you created this fun template. just getting started…

For the parents who may find the photography/ scanning and design a bit intimidating, I offer this as a service. I offer professionally taken photographs of the child’s art work, casting it in its best light to remember for years to come, and do all the design work – you just send me the art and make the approvals/ suggestions! You can check out details on my website at

[…] O Art My Kid Made é mais “social”, como se fosse uma rede social de desenhos infantis. Assim como o ArtKive, você tira uma foto do desenho, e pode compartilhá-lo no Twitter e no Facebook, além da própria rede do Art My Kid Made. O legal desse app é poder ver os desenhos de outras crianças também, se você quiser. Só funciona se você compartilhar os seus desenhos primeiro. Nele, você também encontra funções como cortar, modificar, aprimorar, e adicionar figuras e efeitos especiais (só que, na boa? Isso modifica o desenho das crianças, e não é isso que a gente quer, né? A gente quer guardar as obras-primas originais!). E como você vai ter os desenhos em fotos, dá pra usar um daqueles serviços de fotolivros, fazer um álbum com os desenhos de cada idade (aí a imaginação já começa a voar! Já pensou que lindo?), que nem fez a autora deste DESTE BLOG. […]

This is so lovely! What a brilliant idea. I love the layout.

Erin //

[…] E com certeza, assim que eu puder, vou transformá-los em livro, como esse lindo trabalho feito por uma outra mãe desenhadora, que pelos projetos que desenvolve babo e me inspiro sempre – […]

Hi! I’m just wondering if this is still available on Shutterfly? The link doesn’t seem to be working for me, and when I go directly to the Shutterfly site, I can’t find it. Thanks!

The link is still working:;jsessionid=9024A36CA7ED10E41CBE813111A63F15?fid=4c35b97e4f3db1a2

If you can’t get to the style that way, you can also find the style by searching under Designer > paislee press > mini masterpieces.

[…] te jong om ze op internet te gaan bekijken. Deze week kwam ik via Pintrest op de fantastische blog Paisleepress. Haar blogpost Mini Masterpieces‘ is de oplossing. Echt een super idee. Ze heeft een […]

[…] Create a photo book of your kids art alongside pics of the artist. This one that Liz of paislee press made for her kiddo is pretty […]

[…] holding or creating their artwork and even add some descriptions of what they were making. {Source: Paislee Press}Here are a few things to keep in […]

[…] Shutterfly now has a photo book style designed specifically for children’s art by Paislee Press.  It’s called mini masterpieces and has lots of layout styles and journal […]

I love this template! I am trying to make a book now and am wondering what fonts you used as they look a bit different than the default in the template.

1. The captions (e.g. ILLUSTRATIONS BY… on the front cover) – what font did you use? The default is Avant Garde but I don’t think it looks as good as what you used in your book.

2. In the titles like “THIS IS MY RAINBOW SERIES”, it looks like the kerning for LiebeErika font is wider in your book than the default in Shutterfly. Is it possible to adjust the kerning? I think the wider font looks better but I couldn’t figure out how to adjust it in Shutterfly.

Thanks so much! I can’t wait to finish this book and see the finished product.

[…] 9- Crie um fotobook com os trabalhinhos de arte do seu filho. Esse que a Liss do paislee press fez é incrível. Veja como aqui. […]

[…] Turn your child’s drawings that do hold sentimental value into a book, or even a stuffed […]

[…]  source   source […]

[…] love the idea of making a photobook of artwork.  I especially love this example from Paislee Press because it includes photos of her little lady […]

[…] sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, […]

[…] Put your child’s art together in a book for loved ones to enjoy […]

[…] Bron: Paislee Press […]

[…] Source: Paislee Press […]

[…] Source: Paislee Press […]

[…] a coffee table book filled with kids’ holiday artwork and […]

[…] idea es de Paislee Press, quienes crearon plantillas digitales en capas (archivos PSD) para que puedan armar su propio […]

Great info. Lucky me I found your website by chance (stumbleupon).
I’ve book-marked it for later!

[…] MiniMasterpieces […]

[…] boken laget Liz Tamahana med datterens kunstverk og bilder av datteren. En fantastisk søt måte å bevare alle tegningene […]

Hello, I am so glad I discovered your page, I can’t wait to create a book for my daughter! One question, with the artwork you added…did you photograph it or scan it? I’m not really sure the “best” way to get the images on to my computer to start the process. Thank you so much, Regards, Rebecca

I scanned in all the artwork except for the ones that didn’t fit on the scan bed, like the bulky shoebox projects and poster size construction paper art pieces. For me, scans produce a better image (no shadows, etc.) and I can do this anytime (vs. waiting for good light).

If you prefer photographing, there are probably some good apps available out there that can come in handy if you’re planning on using your camera phone.

I am so happy that I stumbled upon your site. It was so random, but so meant to be! I can’t wait to make a book for my son, and for my parents! You have no idea how your creativity has added a sense of pride to my son (when he sees his art work in a book) and the happiness I will feel years to come with this keepsake. Thank you!

[…] Most likely I will take photos of their work and create a book (or several) from a site like Paislee Press (mini masterpieces), or Plum Print. There is also an app you can do this with called Artkive. […]

[…] making it easy to snap a photo of each piece, and send the original off to the recycling yard. Paisleepress shows us how adorable her daughter’s Shutterfly book is. Your little kiddo will love […]

[…] making it easy to snap a photo of each piece, and send the original off to the recycling yard. Paisleepress shows us how adorable her daughter’s Shutterfly book is. Your little kiddo will love […]

[…] mamma condensed her little one’s art into a Photobook. Cute! | paislee […]

I really want to do a book like this for my children. Did you scan or take pictures of her art work? Which will produce a better quality photo? Is there anyway to purchase the template? I prefer to print with someone other than Shutterfly.

I scanned in all the artwork except for the ones that didn’t fit on the scan bed, like the bulky shoebox projects and poster size construction paper art pieces. For me, scans produce a better image (no shadows, etc.) and I can do this anytime (vs. waiting for good light).

I do have templates available for purchase here:

Hope that helps and good luck!

But this is a tremendously lengthy processes. Pricing is usually in the guts range,
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[…] en internet encontré una entrada en la que una mamá hacía un libro con los dibujos de su hija, pisleepress y pensé que yo no podía quedarme sin él, más bien Berta no podía quedarse sin uno para ella […]

[…] Via Paislee Press […]

Hi, this weekend is pleasant for me, because this time i
am reading this enormous educational article here at my home.

Out of all the projects-to-books I’ve seen, I keep thinking of yours! I just love what you’ve created!!!

Question, do I need to purchase the page you created from your Lilypad store or is that something extra in addition to what’s on Shutterfly? Sorry, before I put all the effort into Shutterfly, I just want to make sure I have everything I need.

Thanks for posting this, It’s so cute and fun and my girls would love their own book!

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[…] absolutely love this coffee table book concept! Create a photo book of your kids art alongside pics of your little artist. Think about mixing in with vacation and travel […]

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[…] ötlet, bár tény, hogy a megvalósítás kicsit időigényesebb, mint az előző kettő tipp. A rajzos fotókönyv úgy készül, mint az igazi fotókönyv, ehhez tehát szükség lesz egy olyan szolgáltatásra, […]

[…] Source: Paislee Press […]

Is your design still available on another platform? It is not on Shutterfly anymore. Or I could not find it.

There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much awful in the finest of us, that it is in our best interests for none of us to discuss the rest of us.Whatsappstatus

[…] credit: family already creates photo books as a way to revisit special memories throughout the year as […]

[…] Make a collage book-You know how you can make albums of photos into one big printed book? You can do that with kid’s artwork as well. I found this cool website that does it for you HERE. […]

Is this design template available anywhere else? It looks like shutterfly doesn’t carry it anymore.

[…] Image Via: Paislee Press […]

What a delightful idea to create a photobook from Instagram pictures! It’s such a creative way to preserve memories. I’m definitely inspired to make one of my own.

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