project life | week of august 1st

This is the week of August 1st, also known as that one time I tried to squeeze an entire summer’s worth of activities into a week’s time. This is the week of lots of playdates, Disneyland, a picnic at the park, fun at the Orange County Fair. This is the week of lots of sun and lots of sunscreen. This is the week I finally conquered my fear of taking the girls out on my own.

Close up of left side, all photos of our day at Disneyland, with the exception of the black & white self portrait.

Self portrait + a list of random things that I’m doing right now, like watching True Blood on sunday nights and skyping with Peppermint on a daily basis.

Added a 6×12 Photo Protector by American Crafts so I could include more photos from this crazy week. I made the top card using the woodgrain paper from my latest digital kit, photobooth.

On the back side of the photo protector are photos from the picnic at Griffith Park.

Right side – all photos from our day at the Orange County Fair.

The journaling card is from my Then & Now Printables Kit.

The red label framing “PLACES”  is this vintage black label stamp by purple onion designs.

This project life album is starting to fill up.

Blog Comments

This Peppermint chick that you’re talking to on Skype every day obviously has way too much time on her hands. She should get a job or something.

Oh … wait …

More lovely pages sweetie. ♥

WOW! I just found your blog through Pinterest and I must say that your Project Life album looks very Awesome!! I’m also doing the project, and it isn’t before I repined your book on Pinterest myself and was writing something about my pin that I found out why your book is so interesting: no date card, no little cards from the PL Kit….And you know what, it looks amazing!! Yes, Awesome and Amazing…that’s what it is!! 🙂 I’ll be back to see more of what you do. See ya!

Amazing!!! We can feel the fun you had! 🙂

Girl!!!! I was so excited when in my email today was a link to your new Shutterfly album by… I was jumping up and down… so happy for you! Hugs!

I love watching you progress with this project… And its great to see what you did with a week that was very full. Narrowing down when there are lots of photos is so difficult… Which brings me to my question. You have mentioned that you are not going for a book that contains “everything”. So what are you doing with all the rest of the photos from each event/outing/day that gives you tons of photos? I struggle with this part… Do I do: One PL album (even if it becomes more than one) where I put the whole year in, or do I break up a year with one PL type album that gives more of an abbreviated version of each week and then a second album where I put all the rest of the photos/layouts. Just curious how you tackle this beast. I know you do some mini books for specific events. Thanks for your time!

hey debbie – i know you were asking liz, but i thought i’d add my thoughts on this. =) i’ve got a lot of stories that are just too BIG for my album. so i get the bare bones into my week and add the rest to normal LOs, that go into my other albums. i love that PL can be an overview and my LOs will fill in the rest of the stories. =)

liz – LOVE this update – such a full and happy week!

Thanks Lisa! I appreciate all input and insight. 🙂

Debbie – I’m working on a response for you right now. 🙂 Be back in a bit.

Hey Lisa! Thanks so much for sharing your process, much appreciated. I think we have pretty similar systems. 🙂

Debbie – Thanks so much for you kind feedback on this week’s post. It CAN be tough narrowing things down during weeks when there’s lots of photos. That’s the most challenging part of project life for me. Notice how it took me an entire month to finally tackle The 1st of August? LOL!

What to do with the rest of the photos that don’t make it into the PL album? For now, I’m just going to let them sit there until a project idea comes to mind. For example, the disney page. I think I did it justice, but there are lots of photos that were left out that I eventually want to print out. Disneyland will most likely be an annual trip for us so I’ll probably do a Disneyland themed photobook a few years from now. Funny that you mentioned doing 2 types of PL albums, an abbreviated and the comprehensive versions. Before I started Project Life I thought I’d want to do a comprehensive type of album because for some reason I felt the need to print everything. But now that I’m making these weekly pages, I don’t feel that pressure anymore! Isn’t that funny? Totally unexpected effect but I love it. What I’m doing now is not comprehensive but it’s so much more than I would have ever documented if I felt like I had to do EVERYTHING. That’s one thing I’ve discovered about myself. When I feel like I have to scrap every memory, then I end up doing nothing at all.

Love this set of updates Liz! The album looks fantastic. I love the simplicity of Project Life. I have to remind myself constantly that it’s not meant to be comprehensive, or else I freak out about it. I’d rather it remain a favorite project than a neglected/guilty-ridden project where I’m “behind” and feel bad about it.

love this album! oh how i miss scrapbooking of any kind. maybe i’ll get to it this winter. it’s unreal how much of a life documenting the day-to-day was – and for several years – and now my hobbies have totally shifted. i also think it’s adorable that you skype w/ peppermint every day. that’s cute 🙂 love technology – and web friends!

[…] but I LOVE anything hybrid! Being able to print my own scrapbook supplies? Yes, please! Liz’s use of the journaling tags + the woodgrain paper in her Project Life album inspires me to no end! […]

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