sketchbook 3 giveaway

Kelly Purkey if offering a new online workshop, sketchbook 3. I’m incredibly honored to be a contributing designer for this and I’m thrilled to be able to do a giveaway for one spot to her class! Read on for class + giveaway details.


Join Kelly Purkey and friends for Sketchbook 3! This is a self-paced four week class filled with fresh sketches, easy instructions, beautiful examples, and lots of fun. From April 4th to April 29th a PDF will be delivered to your inbox every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. By the end of the class, you’ll have a complete sketchbook of 12 original sketches, 38 layouts, and an additional 38 sketches based on those creative pages. All of the examples are brand new layouts, exclusive to this class… you won’t see them anywhere else. The best part is that you will be receiving an example layout from Kelly for each of the sketches, along with two (or more) example layouts from a very talented contributor. Each PDF for Sketchbook 3 will also include a card designed by the amazing Jennifer McGuire based on the daily sketch.

The class will also include a private message board for questions and sharing ideas on the Studio Calico website. Visit Kelly’s blog for more information and to see the full list of contributors.

Sketchbook 3 Giveaway

To enter for your chance to win, simply leave a comment by Wednesday, March 23rd at 9:00 PM (PST). Increase your chances of winning by posting about this giveaway via twitter or your blog. Be sure to come back here and post a link to your tweet/blog post as a separate new comment to earn the extra entries. The winner will be posted on March 24th. Good luck!

Blog Comments

I would totally love a spot in this class!! Thank you so very much for the chance, Liz!!

I've loved Kelly's other Sketchbook classes! Can't wait to take this one. 🙂

very cool! I'd love a spot in her class….thank you for the chance to win!!

I took the Sketchbook 2 class and loved it! Would love to join in on this one too.

How cool!!

I would love to take this class. I have so many photos to scrap. It would help make a dent.

THis sounds really interesting! Love learning new things and being challenged!

Sounds great! Thanks for the chance 🙂

Sounds cool!!

What a wonderful class and opportunity! I'd love to win a spot!

just tweeted!/chocochocochics/status/49863716224765952 😉

I'd love to win a spot in this class! Thanks for the chance to win one.

I'm super excited for this class!

Oh fun! I would love to try that! Thanks Liz!

I love using Sketches so I would love to win a seat to her class!

Thanks for the opportunity!!

Sounds like a great class. I would love for the chance to win a seat! Thanks for the opportunity.

I would love to win a spot. It looks like a lot of fun!

I would love to take this class! Thanks for a chance to win!

This class sounds like a lot of fun!

Anyone would be mad not to want to win this spot ! Thanks for the chance.

Retweeted from _DoggiNo too 🙂

I would love to win!! THanks

I tweeted about this giveaway!!/PearlsForCurls/status/49894648528908289

Thanks for the chance, would be fun to see what this class is all about!

Looks like a fun class – thank you for the giveaway!

This class sound wonderful!

The class sounds wonderful. I just can't afford it right now.

yesss, i'd like to participate 🙂 thanks

wow! i'd love to be a part of this! <3

Looks like a really cool class. Thanks for the chance to win.

Wow! this sounds like a really fun class! I would love to partake.

It is always nice to learn something new! Thanks for the chance to win!

This sounds fantastic! Thanks for the giveaway.

what a gorgeous opportunity! thanks! can't wait to check the classes! off to tweet

I tweeted too

How awesome!

I would love to win!!! Thanks for the chance 😮

Thank you for the chance! So cool classes!

Sounds wonderful!!!!

would love to win a spot in this class! thanks for the chance 🙂

I'd love to win! Thanks!

So cool. I love templates. Thanks for the chance to win.

This looks like sooo much fun!

I would love a spot in this class!

I would love to win a spot in Kelly's class. Thanks for the chance.

Thanks for the chance to win! I'd love to take this class.

I'd love to win a spot in this class! Thanks for the chance

Kelly Purkey is such an inspiration! I'd love to see what this class is all about!

This class sounds fabulous!

Wonderful giveaway. I love sketches!

Hope I can win it.


I was just checking this out!! super great class thanks for the chance

i would to take this class. need some more inspiration!!!

I've twiited too. HERE


This class looks awesome! I would love to win a spot! 🙂

Would love to win a spot:) Thank you for the chance!!

Just tweeted about it:)

Hoping so much to win a spot!!!!

I desperately need some guidance for my scrapbook work. Never took her class before and after reading so much recommendation I know that this is the one ….

Me please ?!?!?!?

oh, i would love to take this class and learn something new, thanks for the chance at winning.

Such an awesome opportunity! Thanks!


This sounds great! I would love to win!

wowowow! i would LOVE to win this class as a failry new digi scrapper! i know there is so much i can learn!!! thanks so much for the chance to win!!! =)

Sounds like a great class! I love Kelley's style. Thanks for the chance.

This would be neat to win! Great giveaway.

I haven't scrapped in over a year. I would love to get my feet wet in creating again.

Thanks for the chance to win! Looks great!

Oh i would LOVE to win! What a great opportunity!

I would love to win a spot in this class!

I would love a chance to be able to learn from the pro's in a class, I have always wanted to participate in a class because I love these cute ideas, and try to make them myself and end up getting frustrated and throwing them away (I know lots of money wasted) but if I could have a chance to learn, I would be more then grateful! Thanks for letting me enter a chance to win 🙂
Thank you,

My brain is bogged – I need help pulling me out! Would love to do this class. Cheers,

I would love to win a spot in this class!

I would love to win a seat on the sketchbook!

Thanks for a great giveaway!

Sounds like fun!!

I neeeeeeeeeeeeed this!!!

the class sounds interesting!thanks for this chance to win it!

This sounds great–thanks for the chance!

This will be an awesome class! Thanks for offering it in a giveaway 🙂

This looks like such a fun class ~ thanks for the chance to win a spot in it!

thanks for the chance! sounds like a great class!

Wow Liz! What a great giveaway – thank you!

What an awesome give away and opportunity!

The class sounds like a delight! Thanks so much for the chance to win.

Would love this chance! Thank you.

This sounds like a really amazing class

This looks awesome! I'd love to have a spot in the class 🙂

I posted on my Twitter feed:!/penkitten23

what an amazing opportunity I would love the chance to participate!

Absolutely wonderful. Thanks for the opportunity!

I would love, love, LOVE to win a spot in this class. Thanks for the opportunity!

This would be amazing! Thanks for the chance to win!

I tweeted about this post:!/endswell2

Sounds great! Thanks for the chance to win !

I tweeted!!/ScrapperSkiNTx/status/50195071320064001
Thanks for the chance!

Coolest! Thanks for the chance! :o)

Wow, I saw all the designers that contributed and that is some talent!!
Off for more details!!
Thanks for the chance!!

oh, i would love to take this class and learn something new, thanks for the chance at winning.

if I win a slot, this will make my life different – more inspirations to survive toxic life. thanks for the chance. =)

What a wonderful class! Would love to be a part of it!

Sounds awesome.Thanks for the chance to win.

I posted on my facebook 😉

I would love a spot in the class. Thanks!

I love sketch classes and would love to try this class. Thanks for the opportunity.

This class sounds great, I would just love it!

This sounds like just what I need to get my creativity going. I would love to win this!

I tweeted at:

Class sounds fantastic & just in time for my university break. Would love to take part in my holiday from studying. Thanks for the chance to win 🙂

Sounds like a great creativity boost!!

I would totally love a spot in this class!! Thank you so very much for the chance,

It would be great to join this class!

Would LOVE to win! Thank you!

The class sounds great! Thanks for the chance to win:)

I tweeted:!/hakumele

Sounds amazing – thanks for the chance!!

I would love to win!! Thank you for a chance to win.

Love KP..would love to win a spot i nthis class! Thanks for the chance !

thanks for the chance! This looks like so much fun!

would LOVE to win a spot in this class. Thanks.

I did the first sketchbook class – would love to another one!

Looks like fun – I'd love to join!

This sounds like a great class. I would love to win it. Happy day!

I'm new to this and it is quickly becoming a new passion. Love your blog, Liz!

would love a chance to win!

Yea!! A chance to win!

I love Kelley's pages – would love a chance to win some inspiration.

Pick me, pick me. I would love to win this class…thanks for the chance.

It would be so awesome to be able to take this class!!/?sk=lf

Not sure if I did this right but this is my attempt at linking to facebook. It is on my facebook page but not sure if I am giving the right link here.

i'd love to take that class! thanks for the chance 🙂

Wow, this sounds like a lot of fun. Count me in for the drawing, and thanks for the opportunity!

Kelley's class looks enticing! Thanks so much for the chance to win 🙂

Oooh pick me, pick me…LOL! Thanks for the chance to win Liz! This looks like a great class!

Retweeted here:!/1islandergirl

Thanks again!

I'd so love to win this class – I need something like this to jumpstart my scrapbooking once again. Haven't done much since my baby was born 6 months ago 🙁

Sounds like a fantastic class.

Hi! Thanks so much for the chance!
I would love to take this class-fun!

I love learning so would love a spot in this class.

I would be delighted to win a spot!
Thank you for the chance.:)

What an amazing giveaway! I would love a spot in the class. Thanks for the chance!

This is terrific. Thanks for the chance to win.

I would love to win. Thanks for posting this!

thanks for the chance to win!

I would love to try this! Thanks for the opportunity!

This class looks great! Thanks for the chance to win a spot in it!

I would love to win!

Today is my birthday and you know what an awesome gift would be? A spot in KP's class! Thank you for a chance to win!

I tweeted it, too 🙂!/katesdigitals/status/50695231124930560

Ok, I tweeted it but cannot figure out how to link it! Here's my tweet:

Did you see that @liztamanaha is giving away a spot to @kellypurkey 's Sketchbook 3? Today's the deadline so go enter!

and my username is @mommaski.

Thanks again for the chance to win!

What a great opportunity! Thank you!

I would love the opportunity to join this class!

this class looks amazing! i would love to win a spot 🙂

I blogged about it as well. It's at the end of the post:

This class looks great – would love a spot – thanks for the opportunity!

This sounds like so so much fun, along with great inspiration!

Love KP's classes. Thanks for the chance! 🙂

Thanks for the oppty to win a seat in the class.

just discovered all her stuff. it looks amazing!

Wow! Thank you for the chance — and for introducing us to her site!

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