the sunday edition

A few days I mentioned that I had some news to share with you. As it turns out, I was waiting on one crucial component hasn’t arrive yet. So, I’m holding off a bit longer until said crucial component is taken care of and I’ll finally be able to share the news with you!

Haven’t scrapped in awhile and I’m feeling the pull to tackle the 10,000+ photos I’ve taken this year. 10,000! Is it any wonder that my 1TB external hard drive is almost at capacity? I’m in the market for a new one, considering the LACie 2TB, because LACie is the brand I’m using right now and I’m a creature of habit. I’m also looking at the Western Digital 2TB, but I’ve read both good and bad reviews and I just don’t know what to believe anymore. Any recommendations? What are you using for storage/backup?

Took the girls to the Aquarium a few weeks ago and now they keep clamoring to go back.



Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Blog Comments

I don't have storage solution for you except Creative Memories Memory Manager and if you really want to make a dent in 10,000 pictures I would digital scrapbook them with Creative Memories Storybook Software. I loved both before I even became a consultant 🙂

I have a LaCie, too. I also have a Time Machine. If I was in the market for a new EHD, I would definitely get another LaCie.

Hi Liz!
I had a western digital (smaller version) that crashed. After that I decided instead of buying one large EHD, that I would buy 2 smaller ones and use one as a backup for the other. I hope you will find a good solution for long term storage for your photos of these precious girls!

Liz, I have a Western Digital 2TB that I use for backup in my Imac (Time Machine) and I never had any problem… I believe both are really good!
I also have the other problem… tons of photo without scrap. I NEED to organize them in photobooks!

I am using the western digital at work and it is connected to my wireless router for wireless transfer. It is a nice feature but the downside will be the limited bandwidth, plug-in will still be faster.

Looks like TBs are no longer enough for parents like us who have been constantly shooting…

I have a 250GB iomega ehd that I use as my storage for all my kits, as well as backup for my photos, and I have an iomega 1TB as backup for everything. My worst nightmare where digital is concerned is something crashing and losing everything so I have copies everywhere! I know there are also storage sites on line where you pay a yearly fee and upload all your photos to the site, and then if anything crashes you simply re-download all your photos, but I'm a freak when it comes to security and I don't like the idea of ALL my photos being on the internet somewhere, so I haven't looked into that option too much. Iomega is the brand I've used and it's been good to me so far, I also have a western digital for backup on my home computer and haven't had any trouble with it. Good luck!

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