happy shots + a really BIG giveaway

No. 1: Maddie is a pretty active baby. She never sits still long enough for me to get a decent photo, let alone one with her grinning from ear to ear. Usually I end up getting the back of her head, or her eyes half open, or the photo is blurry. But this time, I clicked at just the right moment.

No. 2: This one of Audrey is blurry, but I still love it. Her grin is so contagious.

In other happy news, I get to giveaway an amazing prize to one lucky paislee press reader – a $150 gift certificate to redeem at any CSN Store! CSN has everything from home decor to a huge bedroom vanity selection and children’s furniture.
The $150 is a one time use certificate and can be used at any CSN store. One of my favorites is allmodern.com. You can find all types of hip and modern home + baby/kids goodness there:

organic bib+burp set

organic hooded towel

nursery lamp

removeable chalkboard wall decals

tricycle in classic red

Graham and Brown Wallpaper

giveaway: $150 CSN gift certificate
To enter for your chance to win a $150 gift certificate to use at any CSN store, simply post a comment below before Friday, June 25th at 9:00pm (PST). Increase your chances of winning by posting about this giveaway via twitter, facebook or your blog. Be sure to come back here and post a link in the comments section (please post as a new comment each time).

*shipping charges and international fees (for readers outside of the US) may apply for certain products

One winner will be drawn at random and announced over the weekend. Good luck!

Many thanks to Jessica of CSN Stores for sponsoring this giveaway.

Blog Comments

Count me in! I love that removable chalkboard!

Wow! What a great prize. Fingers crossed!!!

oh dang… i was so excited to be first… but i'm not! awesome give away and i'm pregnant! off to tweet now… :o)

OMgoodness LIZ!!! You are so amazing! I swear I am going to tell you that everyday! I could really use some kiddo stuff with a new nursery to decorate.

Re-tweeted as bsdesigns. 😀

Awesome giveaway Liz! Those chalkboard things are so cool and oh my gosh – that wallpaper!! Need that.

oh wow Liz! This is AMAZING!!! Thanks for the chance sweetie!! <3

love lots of csn stores! great give-away. love that shot of maddie, too, liz!

tweeted! http://twitter.com/mrsstingfish

on fb, too! http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=1213931014

Me! Me! Off to tweet!:)

I so need those removable chalk boards!!!

Thx for the chance!

and I retweeted ya! @crystalbella77

What a great prize! Thanks for the chance to win.

tweet tweet!

great prizes,..count me in

Oh, mercy! I think it's a reflection of your quality as a designer that you are able to offer such amazing giveaways. Thanks!

What an amazing give-away! Thank you!

gosh liz, your girls are cute.

and sign me up for this fab giveaway please!!!

thank you!

WOW! I so want in on this one!

oooh- pick me, pick me! I love this stuff! Thanks for the opportunity to play!

your baby is getting cutier each day 🙂
and thank you for this fab giveaway.


oh, i would love to win and do some fun shopping 🙂
thanks for the chance to win!

You have the best giveaways, you are awesome! Thanks for the chance, I hope I win!

What a great giveaway!!

on facebook too! 🙂

very cool giveaway! thanks for the opportunity 🙂

What a fabulous giveaway! Thanks for the chance – loving the removable chalkboard!

Wow! That really is an awesome giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity 🙂

Off to check out the CSN store. Thanks for the opportunity.

Re-tweeted it as well!

facebooked it too 🙂

oh, and on my blog too :-)http://helloyoubooks.blogspot.com/2010/06/big-giveaway-opportunity-over-at.html

ooo…cool give-away! I'm needing some baby stuff soon! 🙂

WOW! This is awesome! Thanks for the chance to WIN 🙂


Liz, you are too generous! Thank you!

I tweeted this, even though I wanted to keep it to myself 🙂 http://twitter.com/bananasandrice/status/16804872234

And super way cool giveaway! cute kid pics too.. 🙂

Thanks Liz!

I just twitted:

Oh EXCELLENT giveaway! Thanks for a chance to win


Great giveaway Liz!!! Crossing my fingers 🙂

Wow! What an awesome give away.
Looks like a totally fun store.

Putting my name in as well 🙂 Thanks for the chance.

tweet tweet:) http://twitter.com/itsmeiamb/status/16805805047

wooow! This giveaway is fantastic for sure 😀

Thank you so much for the chance at winning 🙂


This would be a perfect gift for my cousin who is expecting her first baby in October! Thanks for the chance!

posting on my facebook page too!

WOW! What a great giveaway 🙂

OOooo what an awesome giveaway! thanks for a chance!

well – aren't those such darling things. & that 1st shot is so perfectly cute.

Wowee! What a chance…thank you!

Looks fabulous! Thank you!!

Just blogged: http://jenlancaster.blogspot.com/2010/06/enter-to-win.html

Just Facebooked it – http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#!/jenlancaster

Your girls are too precious!!

What a giveaway! I can't wait to see other goodies CSN has.

WOW!!!! What a great giveaway – thanks so much for the chance!!!

What a wonderful prize! Thanks for the opportunity.

sharing on FB for ya! xox

Thanks so much for the chance! I'd love to win! Hugs!

What a great prize!

Tweeted about the giveaway! 😀

Thank you! 😀

Posted on my Facebook page, too! Thank you!

Yay! What a cool prize!

posted on my facebook page. 🙂

what an amazing givaway!! fingers crossed!!

awesome! thanks, Liz!


I posted it on my facebook! http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=532342793
Darcy HOlsopple


and tweeted. 🙂 ethiomomlaura

Oh goodness…I too like the chalkboard things!! That is awesome! 😀 And I wouldn't even put it in my kids room, would probably put it in my office. heheeh.

I would love to win. I just bought a new house and need loads of stuff to go with it.

Thanks for an amazing giveaway! It would be so hard to decide what to buy… but I'm willing to give it a try 🙂

I tweeted it! Hope I win!

What an awesome giveaway! I love allmodern! And all their Dwell stuff is yummy! Hugs!

Wow! What a huge giveaway! I would love to win! 🙂

Ooh pick me! I never win. 😉

wow! amazing!! thanks for the chance to win 🙂

That is one amazing giveaway!!! Thank you for the chance!!! I absolutely love your first shot!!!

Such cute pictures! Thanks for the chance to win

This store looks amazing!! 🙂

Your girls are soooo cute!

I posted it on my facebook wall too! Would love to win this! 🙂


I want to win! I need that tricycle for my son! 🙂

Posted on the FB!


awesome giveaway!!!

What a nice giveaway! I can't wait to see all the other stuffs to choose from 🙂

Wow, what a great giveaway! Super cute pics of your girls. 🙂

Ohh….fun giveaway of great looking stuff!! thanks

What a cool idea! 🙂 You have a super cute blog…. I'm definitely becoming a follower!

just found your blog through creature comforts… and now i have another that i don't know if i can get enough of…
beautiful work.

(i have good timing too, with the giveaway and all…)

Wow! Thanks for the chance! Here's my feeble attempt at winning!

awesome giveaway! thanks for the chance to win!

Holy crap that is an awesome giveaway. Would totally use it towards a guidecraft play kitchen for my daughter

ykatrina at hotmail dot com

Great giveaway…thank you for the chance.

Thank you so much for such an awesome give away!

Wow, what a give away!!

Woot! What an awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win, Liz 🙂

What an amazing prize – thx so much for the chance to win!!!

LOVE your blog! and love the blackboard wallpaper! it'll be perfect for my plain old kitchen wall!
Thanks liz!

What adorable little faces! Thanks for sharing those.

And thanks for an amazing giveaway!!

Adorable pics! Thanks for the chance at the awesome prize!

What an incredible giveaway! I love the removable chalkboards and the lamp. 🙂

that removable chalkboard looks awesome!!

i posted the giveaway on FB too! 🙂


So generous! Thanks for the chance to win!!!

what a generous giveaway!

Oh wow, I love this site and have several items in mind. Really hope this time it's my lucky number!!!

What a great giveaway!! Keeping my fingers crossed 🙂

This could definitely come in handy! What a great giveaway! Count me in!

Yes please! 🙂 Liz, you're the coolest!

cool prize!! I need some of those chalk board decals!!!

thanks so much for the chance to win! 🙂 You daughters are too cute! love the pics. My lil Maddie is too active to get good pics of too! 🙂

heading to pick out what i will use my GC with if i win! 🙂

tnrutger at gmail dot com

a chance at that would be fab. the pics of your girls are adorable. Loe the light in the first one and the smile on both of them!

Please count me in as well.I could use the money to buy things for my kiddo! Thank you

awesome giveaway! pick me!!

I want to get a children's table and chairs set. This would be great.

Thanks for the chance to win!

Love that site!

Wow, there are some great things in this giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity!!

OMG that really IS a huge giveaway!!

Thank you for this awesome chance.
I'm totally in love with the tricycle!

I love both of your girls' smiles!
Thanks for a chance to win!

wow, so great chance! thank you, sweetie!!!

Longtime fan of AllModern as well. And your daughters are absolutely adorable!!!!

Your girls are so precious!

wow, superbe cadeau, j'adore ce style de design, allez hop je tente ma chance qui sait !!!

Such lovely goodies. What a fantastic giveaway- thanks!

What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance!

I would like to play too 🙂 the picture you put here are really good advertising…let's go !

and my teweet about your RAk !

wonderful! liz

love the chalkboard,… wow

Tweeted about it (valc. designs)

Wow! Awesome giveaway.

Yes please!! 🙂

I love their stuff…just checked them out. WOW!!! can't wait to see who wins.

Oh .. this giveway is just stunning .. thaks a lot for the chance to win ..

I tweet about it … of course

Eek!!! LOVE!! Thank you for the chance!!

Eek!!! LOVE!! Thank you for the chance!!

Eek!!! LOVE!! Thank you for the chance!!

cute kiddos and great giveaway!

Great giveaway! I love those chalk boards!

awesome prize!!! pick me pick meeeee 😀

Beautiful photos and thanks for the chance at the giveaway.

I tweeted this http://twitter.com/nvscrapper

WOW Liz such a great giveway!!! Thanks for the chance 🙂

Wow! That's some serious giveaway goodness! And I have to say your kids are beautiful 🙂

What sweet girls! Thank you for the chance to win — Gotta love the hooded towel!

Wow, Liz! What an amazing giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!! 🙂

What a wonderful prize! Just what I need for a pick-me-up for a very drab dining room!

Great giveaway! Love the photos of your daughters. Very sweet.

This is a big giveaway!

I "twitted", "tweeted", whatever it is . . . http://twitter.com/DiSailsToo/statuses/16853471292

Man, I need a jogging stroller like nobody's business!!

how awesome are those chalkboard panels?

Ooooh…. count me in, please and thank you!

tweeted too!


Oh goodness gracious Liz! What an amazing opportunity! I am positively in love with those chalkboard panels! WOW! ♥ Thank you so much for the chance!

Wow! That is a huge giveaway! Thanks for this chance!!!

And adorable photos Liz!!

and a tweet ♥ http://twitter.com/scarletsierra/status/16856076908

Wow this is a big giveaway; Thanks for this chance. I love your photos

I'd love to splurge on that cute lamp!
What lovely stuff!

Posted a tweet re: this giveaway – http://twitter.com/BudgetMom/status/16857710765

Wow! Cute pictures of a sweetie pie!
Yes, I would love to win this great price!!!!

Awesome giveaway – thanks!! 🙂

Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful gift… all kids and baby goodness are so lovely just as your two little daughters !

O my goodness what an amazing giveaway! Count me in! And your pictures are stunning!

Good giveaway! I was directed to your blog from Cathy Zielske's blog!

Good giveaway! I was directed to your blog from Cathy Zielske's blog!

Lovely! Thanks for the chance.

Lovely! Thanks for the chance.

Fantastic offer! Yea!

Fantastic offer! Yea!

What an awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance! 🙂

What an awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance! 🙂

This is a delightful prize!

This is a delightful prize!

Beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway!

Beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway!

Wow!!! Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome prize! ♥

Wow!!! Thanks for the chance to win such an awesome prize! ♥

That removeable chalkboard is so cool, my kids would love that!!! And that nursery lamp, I want that for ME!!! LOL!! Thanks for the chance to win. 😀

This is an awesome giveaway!

What a wonderful prize!

Exciting 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!

Exciting 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!

i'd love to win the prize! i need some new goodies for my cat 🙂 here's hoping.

i'd love to win the prize! i need some new goodies for my cat 🙂 here's hoping.

love allmodern.com. Having my first baby in feb 2011 and I want to buy up all their stuff.

love allmodern.com. Having my first baby in feb 2011 and I want to buy up all their stuff.

that chalkboard is so cool!

that chalkboard is so cool!

OMG Amazing chance to win! Thanks so much!

oh my gosh… i would LOVE to win this!! they have the coolest stuff. <3

Wow! I haven't posted anything in a really looong time! This stuff is awesome & btw, your daughters are just too adorable! It's fun having girls, isn't it?

Please pick me Generator!!!

what an fantastic giveaway! thanks for a chance to win.

My home needs a makeover SO BAD!!! Would LOVE to win this!!!

Awesome, awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance! 🙂

would LOVE to win that amazing tricycle for my daughter! I had one just like it when i was little and rode it like crazy.

Wow, what a wonderful giveaway!
I love what you have done with your kitchen, you are so clever!

Great giveaway, Liz! Thanks!

I've had my eye on a yellow & gray bed set that CSN sells, this would get it for me!!!

Fabulous giveaway (and love your pics too). 🙂

Fabulous giveaway (and love your pics too). 🙂

Terrific giveaway!

Terrific giveaway!

Wow! CSN is amazing! I never saw their sites before! So many awesome things! Love it!

Wow! CSN is amazing! I never saw their sites before! So many awesome things! Love it!

Great giveaway!!


Enter to win a Lime Ricki swimsuit!
clothed much, a modest fashion blog

Great giveaway!!


Enter to win a Lime Ricki swimsuit!
clothed much, a modest fashion blog

Wow! What an amazing giveaway!


Wow! What an amazing giveaway!


girls are adorable!

girls are adorable!

What a great giveaway!!! I would squeal with delight if I win!

What a great giveaway!!! I would squeal with delight if I win!

I love the chalkboard decals, never seen anything like it. Was thinking of painting my wall with chalkboard paint but this is better, not so permanent!

I love the chalkboard decals, never seen anything like it. Was thinking of painting my wall with chalkboard paint but this is better, not so permanent!

I just found your blog via the koloist.com and think that I will be visiting often! What a great giveaway too!

I just found your blog via the koloist.com and think that I will be visiting often! What a great giveaway too!

Wow, how awesome would it be to win! Thanks for the chance!!!!

Wow, how awesome would it be to win! Thanks for the chance!!!!

Wonderful giveaway! Please count me in 🙂

Wonderful giveaway! Please count me in 🙂

Tweeted the giveaway:


Tweeted the giveaway:


Thanks for the chance to win, what a generous giveaway!

Thanks for the chance to win, what a generous giveaway!

You are right – her grin IS contagious! I would LOVE to win, as I'm getting ready to decorate the nursery for boy #3 – and that lamp is calling my name!

You are right – her grin IS contagious! I would LOVE to win, as I'm getting ready to decorate the nursery for boy #3 – and that lamp is calling my name!

Oh My Word!! What an awesome giveaway!!! Thanks so much for the chance to win 🙂

Oh My Word!! What an awesome giveaway!!! Thanks so much for the chance to win 🙂

Here's my tweet:

Here's my tweet:

please count me in. thank you. ^^

Love that chalkboard!

Liz, thanks for offering this awesome giveaway.

Liz, thanks for offering this awesome giveaway.

Wow!!!! What an awesome give away!!! Thanks for the chance 🙂

Wow!!!! What an awesome give away!!! Thanks for the chance 🙂

I tweeted:


Oh, my gosh! What an awesome giveaway – thank you!

Please count me in. Of course, if I won, I wouldn't know where to begin. CSN stores seems to have everything!

Love those chalkboard decals!

Posted on twitter (@stephanieshep: Super cool giveaway: http://bit.ly/dclZuP Love the chalkboard decals!)

Posted on twitter (@stephanieshep: Super cool giveaway: http://bit.ly/dclZuP Love the chalkboard decals!)

Great news! Hope it's valid from Australia??? Love the look of it all anyway 🙂

Great news! Hope it's valid from Australia??? Love the look of it all anyway 🙂

Internet shopping is the way to go! Thanks for the chance to win. 🙂

Internet shopping is the way to go! Thanks for the chance to win. 🙂

I would really love the Calphalon One Infused Anodized 9" Chef's Skillet with Lid. Also, we really need a new ceiling fan for our bedroom (you don't want to know) LOL!!! Thanks for the great giveaway 🙂

I would really love the Calphalon One Infused Anodized 9" Chef's Skillet with Lid. Also, we really need a new ceiling fan for our bedroom (you don't want to know) LOL!!! Thanks for the great giveaway 🙂

Cool prize! Thanks for the chance to win =)

Cool prize! Thanks for the chance to win =)

Wow. What an amazing giveaway! You are so generous! Hope I win! Its been a busy stressful wk and I could really use some shopping therapy!

Wow. What an amazing giveaway! You are so generous! Hope I win! Its been a busy stressful wk and I could really use some shopping therapy!

awesome giveaway! Love those sweet photos!!!

awesome giveaway! Love those sweet photos!!!

What a awesome giveaway. I am sooo into chalkboards right now. Ask my hubby. It's kinda insane…I know!!

What a awesome giveaway. I am sooo into chalkboards right now. Ask my hubby. It's kinda insane…I know!!

what fun stuff you've shown. I might just shop right from that list.
thanks for the chance!

what fun stuff you've shown. I might just shop right from that list.
thanks for the chance!

Oh I'd have no problem spending that $150! Love your blog!

Oh I'd have no problem spending that $150! Love your blog!

your daughter is so adorable!! i agreed, their grins and smiles are absolutely contagious!

I posted this on my facebook pages as well!~

This is amazing! Can't wait to see who wins it.

WOW.. amazing giveaway!! .. fingers crossed! 🙂

Amazing giveaway! I love the organic baby bib. So cute. I would love to win this- I would totally give my pregnant friends awesome gifts.

Amazing giveaway! I love the organic baby bib. So cute. I would love to win this- I would totally give my pregnant friends awesome gifts.

Am I going to be the lucky winner of this awesome giveaway? Anyway, my fingers are already crossed! 🙂

Am I going to be the lucky winner of this awesome giveaway? Anyway, my fingers are already crossed! 🙂

Am I going to be the lucky winner of this awesome giveaway? Anyway, my fingers are already crossed! 🙂

Am I going to be the lucky winner of this awesome giveaway? Anyway, my fingers are already crossed! 🙂

Thanks Liz! I love CSN!

Thanks Liz! I love CSN!

Yay for a giveaway! love the removable chalkboard.

Yay for a giveaway! love the removable chalkboard.

Had to get in one last tweet for this giveaway 😉 http://twitter.com/BudgetMom/statuses/17047619516

Had to get in one last tweet for this giveaway 😉 http://twitter.com/BudgetMom/statuses/17047619516

love those chalk boards. thanks for the chance.

love those chalk boards. thanks for the chance.

tweeted it : http://twitter.com/sheloy8/statuses/17056910271

such a fun giveaway, Liz!! wow!! and fun comments!! LOVE your sweetie pics!! 🙂

such a fun giveaway, Liz!! wow!! and fun comments!! LOVE your sweetie pics!! 🙂

Great pictures. I like that the second one is a little fuzzy. Also, GIVEAWAY 😉

Great pictures. I like that the second one is a little fuzzy. Also, GIVEAWAY 😉

wowza! Yes please with a whole ton of sugar on top! so happy I found your lovely blog! I feel like I already won ;)!


wowza! Yes please with a whole ton of sugar on top! so happy I found your lovely blog! I feel like I already won ;)!


retweeted as well!


Oh, a fun giveaway contest. Put my name into the hat (or my number into the random number generator, as the case may be). Fingers crossed …!

Oh, a fun giveaway contest. Put my name into the hat (or my number into the random number generator, as the case may be). Fingers crossed …!

Love the giveaway. TY

Love the giveaway. TY

Posted on twitter

Posted on twitter

Oh! Count me in!

Oh! Count me in!



This is the biggest gift card I've seen!

Wow! that is a big giveaway!

Wow! that is a big giveaway!

Thanks for the chance !!
Great giveaway!!!

this is great! crossing my fingers! 🙂

this is great! crossing my fingers! 🙂

this is great! crossing my fingers! 🙂

fun giveaway! 🙂

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