the world according to audrey

This morning she walked up to me holding these mittens and announced,

“This is flip and flop.”

Another the world according to Audrey moment recorded.

I’m happy that project 365 reminds me to take snapshots of moments like these. And I’m happy that tumblr makes it so easy for me to record + share them. Are you tumblr-ing? If not, OH MY GAWD.

It has changed, no – revolutionized -the way that I record the little every day moments. A tad dramatic?

Not at all! Since I’ve started tumblr-ing, I feel so on top of my documenting. I’ve never felt this way before. I scrapbooked, I would jot down notes on the back of receipts, I tried carrying little notebooks, and I recorded things on a private blog and on flickr. In other words, I was pretty much all over the place, doing all of these things but I always felt like I was missing a lot of moments. All these systems I had going were either to much work, required too many steps, or was a pain to keep track of (oops, did I accidentally throw away the receipt that I used to write down the funny thing audrey said the other day?)

I don’t know what it is about tumblr that just clicks for me. Maybe it’s these nifty buttons:

I use the quote button like it’s going out of style. It’s perfect for recording all the funny things that Audrey says.

Or this nifty “share on tumblr” button that “publishes” whatever web page you are currently on to your tumblr page with just one click.

Oh, and it lets me selectively publish content to twitter and facebook. That was the clincher.

What are you using to record the little every day moments in your life?


In case you haven’t heard already
(blatant plug: if you were following me on twitter you would already be in the know)

:: happy dance, happy dance ::

I’m on Danielle Thompson’s blog today!!! And I’m sponsoring a little giveaway there. Hop on over for your chance to win a $15 gift coupon to my shop. And don’t forget to follow me on twitter. I’m plotting what to do once we reach the next milestone – 1,000 followers. I want to do something BIG. CUH-RA-ZEEE. BIG. Did I say BIG? Just don’t know what that is just yet. If you have any ideas, I want to hear them.

Blog Comments

liz, I'm so tempted to get a twitter account just to follow you and have a better chance at winning some of your fabulous kit giveaways. I don't even have texting or data on my cell phone, and I already happily follow your blog online and get your newsletter, so why do I need to twitter? Please tell me!

I'm enjoying reading your Tweets. I also just checked out tumblr. It's awesome and very addicting! Thanks for sharing with us!

Oh my goodness I am so glad I found your designs via Danielle. So, in love with your designs!!!!!!!!!

@missy – thank you for following me on my blog + signing up for my newsletter. I haven't given anything away for free on twitter but I have issued coupons – up to 60% off a certain item. It takes me a few minutes to do a savings promo via twitter vs. a newsletter (that takes me at least an hour to get everything together). So when I'm short on time but want to issue something, I turn to twitter. I can't tell you why you might need twitter, but I'll share with you why I use it. I work from home so twitter is the way I connect with people, chat, laugh and have adult conversations. Twitter serves an important purpose for me but I understand that it's not for everyone. Don't feel like you have to sign-up just to follow someone!

@Talia – thank you! Tumblr is great isn't it? Are you planning on using it and if so, what is it that you are wanting to keep track of?

@cynthia – thanks for visiting and for your sweet comments!

Thanks so much for turning me on to tumblr, Liz! I just created an account tonight.

That's awesome Tracy! I'll be on the lookout for you on there. 🙂

wow your daughter is so sweet!! I laughed a lot reading what she said:)

you have converted me to tumblr! am creating an account now 🙂

I am also in love with tumblr its so easy, I enjoy reading the quotes you put up from your daughters. They are super cute. And I got back in to twitter just so I could follow you and Oscrap.

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