develop on fridays :: lesson four

by guest blogger jefra starr linn

using angle as your storyteller.

Changing your angle can alter the way you see and the entire feel of your photographs.
We’ve already talked about how what you “see” is different than anyone else in our article on “VOICE”

A photograph is a three second piece of communicative artwork — you have only a few seconds to capture the attention of a viewer and reach / speak to them.
Let’s consider for a moment what makes people want to look at a photograph, what draws you in when you see a photo you love? What makes it unique?
There are several factors that go into this equation (composition, lighting, etc) but the one we’re going to talk about today falls under the category of composition – angle.

When shooting it’s easy to get comfortable with our routine. We get cozy shooting the same way, the angle, the same level and sometimes forget to mix it up a little bit. We forget to play around and to see things in a new, unique way.
Same old, eye-level photos can get boring.
Also, the angle you decide to shoot from will help tell your story better – for example…

get down
(which can say “familiar”, as well as this is whose point of view i’m showing here)

shoot from above
(which can say ‘vulnerable’, or ‘outside observer’)

zoom in
(which can say “fun” or put the viewer in the middle of the action)

take several shots of the same thing for more impact.
(helps to tell the story and reinforce it through rhythm and repetition)

Pointless angle? It’s a true thing – angle does not always work for every shot – We do like to see things well composed. It starts to feel uncomfortable when there’s only a slight tilt to a strong horizontal line or when there’s whole family askew, but for no reason at all – to no end purpose.

Angle needs to have a purpose. It tends to be bad when you notice the angle before you notice the subject. Or when the angle draws attention to itself.

For example, when it’s crazy tilt or if it doesn’t bring you in to the photo, then it’s not good angle, if it’s jarring at all (jarring is the angle distracting the viewer).

and this one is just plain uncomfortable because it looks like she’s about to tip out of her chair.

example : this formal scene is much more comfortable in the second image where the angle is formal and proper as well.

for me, i hate photos taken from adult standing height cause there’s usually no purpose to the camera position, in that case, the angle is pointless.

example : (don’t judge me by these – lol! we’re looking only at angle here…)
this photo and this angle is more engaging , even though it’s taken from above, than the one below, which IS taken about at eye level

you have to look at a scene and ask, where is the most effective place to put my camera for this scene.

There are lots of different ways and usually no wrong way at all – it just depends on what you’re trying to say with your photograph.

So today i’d like you to consider changing the way you shoot a little.

Assignment – shoot one thing from at least FIVE different angles. Consider and pay attention to what each angle “feels” like to you – and what it’s saying about the subject.


lesson four
share your work here:
flickr group | facebook group


Do you have questions about lesson four, or photography in general? You can ask Jefra via formspring. Click here to submit your questions.

A word about the future of develop on fridays
We’ll be back here before the end of the day with more details.
eta. please help us decide the future of develop on fridays:

develop on fridays poll

– jefra + liz

Blog Comments

That dog is ADORABLE! I just want to hug him/her. This is a GREAT lesson. We just get too comfortable sometimes. Love it!

That dog is ADORABLE! I just want to hug him/her. This is a GREAT lesson. We just get too comfortable sometimes. Love it!

Thanks for the tips….a good idea to try today! loved your pictures…

Thanks for the tips….a good idea to try today! loved your pictures…

I LOVE these tips – these are definitley things I should be thinking more about when taking pics of my dd. Mostly I'm just trying to hurry to get the shot, but taking my time to take more interesting pictures my be what I need to be doing more of – TFS!

I LOVE these tips – these are definitley things I should be thinking more about when taking pics of my dd. Mostly I'm just trying to hurry to get the shot, but taking my time to take more interesting pictures my be what I need to be doing more of – TFS!

awesome lesson… jefra, please do more, PUHLEEZ!!

awesome lesson… jefra, please do more, PUHLEEZ!!

Ooooooh, I love today's lesson. And yes, it took me a while to figure it out, but I totally GET the whole angle thing now. I think it was a lot of trial and error for me, along with studying photos I liked on other scrapper's pages, but I eventually figured it out. Anyway, I can't wait to try this week's lesson. 🙂

Ooooooh, I love today's lesson. And yes, it took me a while to figure it out, but I totally GET the whole angle thing now. I think it was a lot of trial and error for me, along with studying photos I liked on other scrapper's pages, but I eventually figured it out. Anyway, I can't wait to try this week's lesson. 🙂

thanks guys! Casey, i so so so often just move the camera about where i want it (where I want the angle) and snap the shot if it feels like it's taking too long to frame it up.

thanks guys! Casey, i so so so often just move the camera about where i want it (where I want the angle) and snap the shot if it feels like it's taking too long to frame it up.

Hope you find some way of going on with this series – really liked to take this up to the next level!

Hope you find some way of going on with this series – really liked to take this up to the next level!

Great post/lesson and what a cute dog. What kind is he/she?

Great post/lesson and what a cute dog. What kind is he/she?

as always, another GREAT lesson. Angles are probably what I have the most fun with. 🙂

as always, another GREAT lesson. Angles are probably what I have the most fun with. 🙂

Great lesson. I did it early this time but have no where to post it…when will you create a lesson 4 link?

Great lesson. I did it early this time but have no where to post it…when will you create a lesson 4 link?

Janina – Thanks for pointing that out. I'll start a thread the forums for lesson 4 today. Will be back with a link.

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