off to press

I kicked off a little project last August called off to press. I wanted to do something about all of the photos that were sitting on my computer un-scrapped, collecting virtual dust. Specifically, I wanted to get all of my photos from the past two years organized, scrapped and printed in photo books so I could have something tangible in my hands to share them with family and friends.

This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time but it remained on my ‘one of these days when I have more free time’ list of things to do. Free time? I secretly thought this project was destined to remain on my to-do list…indefinitely.

And then something clicked for me. I let go of the belief that I needed to have everything planned and perfectly in place before starting a project and just dove in.

To keep things manageable, I started small, and clearly defined a specific theme and timeline: Maddie’s first three months. The book ended up being HUGE – 296 pages – and took me a little over 4 weeks to complete. I blogged about the entire process and compiled the list below for easy reference.

about the book: the minimalist approach

see the book: layouts, more layouts

see the book: photos of the printed book

project management: establishing an efficient filing system

press plate no. 25 (intro page template)

off to press templates

I’m happy to have my first off to press project completed. I learned a lot while working on this project and hope to share those insights with you in the coming weeks and months. I’m also almost ready to start a new one album. There are so many photos, so many memories, so many chapters in my life I want to document. I want a wedding album, a honeymoon album, an album of our travels, a childhood album (both mine and Eric’s), my parents’ childhood, to name a few. I will get to all of those eventually. My priority right now is to get our family moments documented.

What off to press projects are you hoping to complete this year?

Blog Comments

Wow, Liz, this sounds like a HUGE project! Can't wait for the templates coming out!
My 'off to press' project for this year is our wedding album. After 10 years of marriage, we still don't have an album of it :s When I've some time, I work on one or 2 LO's, but it will still take some more time to get it finished, I think…

i don't even know where to start on a project except my PADs from 2008. i did project 366 in '08 and i have yet to get them in an album. i am not usually big on templates but i always love yours. so looking forward to them. i agree – family moments take priority and i'll go from there!

i don't even know where to start on a project except my PADs from 2008. i did project 366 in '08 and i have yet to get them in an album. i am not usually big on templates but i always love yours. so looking forward to them. i agree – family moments take priority and i'll go from there!

I have too many off to press projects in the works, I created a book for one son last year, and now have my other three sons and my daughter to create books for. My SIL has also asked me to create books for her 2 children, and a friend wants me to create a book for her daughters 21st….. I have started 3 out of 7 books and my photos are organised, just have to get cracking

I have too many off to press projects in the works, I created a book for one son last year, and now have my other three sons and my daughter to create books for. My SIL has also asked me to create books for her 2 children, and a friend wants me to create a book for her daughters 21st….. I have started 3 out of 7 books and my photos are organised, just have to get cracking

My off to press project list starts with my wedding album which is 11 years overdue!

I started rethinking this album last year with the aim of telling the smaller stories of the day ~ this led me to explore scrapbooking and digital layouts. Now I'm on a fast learning curve so I can start the project in the first half of this year.

Cannot wait for the templates! I'm still trying to work on the 5000+ pictures from college, plus my vacations to Ireland and Italy. I can't wait for all of them to be in handsome books on my shelves.

Cannot wait for the templates! I'm still trying to work on the 5000+ pictures from college, plus my vacations to Ireland and Italy. I can't wait for all of them to be in handsome books on my shelves.

I loved seeing your photos and completed blurb book. I'd love to work on my wedding photos (we've been married 13 years), my daughter's baby book, my old family photos, husband's old family photos, and my daughters school photos. Yikes! Can't wait for those templates!!!! Thanks for always inspiring me with your photography and minimalist style.

I loved seeing your photos and completed blurb book. I'd love to work on my wedding photos (we've been married 13 years), my daughter's baby book, my old family photos, husband's old family photos, and my daughters school photos. Yikes! Can't wait for those templates!!!! Thanks for always inspiring me with your photography and minimalist style.

My big project this year will be my P365 album. I think it is going to be a treasure beyond measure!!

how to load double-page blurb about the software? Thank you in advance Liz

I really really want it…..definately want to do Mums 70th Birthday album

Liz – such perfect timing! – i am just starting to think about the design for my family photo book, and i love what you've done here. i browsed blurg's website and am impressed (wasn't previously aware of them). noticed that there was a discussion thread about poor text quality @
they say one possible cause may be pages that are not quite sized right. just a suggestion — perhaps you could check with them about your experience to see if they could pinpoint the cause and rule out any possible problem with your templates. one user reported that they re-did his books and problem was corrected.

thanks again for sharing your lovely work .. you are an inspiration. Carolyn

I'm SOOO excited!! I've been waiting for a template exactly like this and was afraid I'd have to come up with one myself. You have such an amazing eye for balance and whitespace, that I could never come close to what you've done here! And the fact that you've included the text areas is SO helpful!! You're THE SHIZNAM girl!!!

Hi Liz,

Love these templates and would love not to have to create them all from scratch myself. I'm thinking of making a family book and I'm curious…I just downloaded the blurb software to check it out. Did you do this as a custom/blank book and just import the pages as .jpg files? Thanks! Love the simplicity 🙂

Hi Liz,

Love these templates and would love not to have to create them all from scratch myself. I'm thinking of making a family book and I'm curious…I just downloaded the blurb software to check it out. Did you do this as a custom/blank book and just import the pages as .jpg files? Thanks! Love the simplicity 🙂

Hi Jennifer,

Yes, that's exactly what I did. 🙂 And the upload process to blurb is easy and painless! Loved the experience!

Hi Jennifer,

Yes, that's exactly what I did. 🙂 And the upload process to blurb is easy and painless! Loved the experience!

Thanks! By the way, love all your work! I'm a frequent visitor 🙂

Thanks! By the way, love all your work! I'm a frequent visitor 🙂

[…] patterned scrapbook backgrounds. no frills. no visual clutter. i like simple. and that is just what liz’s off to press photo book templates deliver. and it is exactly what i am going to use to create the photo books of my […]

[…] off to press photo book page templates by paislee press […]

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Hi! Is there a way to see this amazing project ? All the links are not working anymore? Thank you for your answer! Marie

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