friday revealed

I am so thrilled to announce that the photographer that will be leading the develop on fridays series of photography exercises is none other than the amazing Jefra Starr Linn.

It’s funny how things have a way of working itself out, how people that share common goals + intentions somehow find one another. A few months ago, I was toying with the idea of inviting photographers to share insights, camera tips, etc. as a guest blogger here. I drafted the email, but it sat in my drafts inbox, unsent. I was still trying to muster up the courage to approach a few photographers when I got a facebook message from Jefra that said, “If there’s anything I can ever do for you please don’t hesitate to let me know.” My jaw literally hit the floor at that moment. Not only was I getting an unsolicited offer of help, but it was from a photographer that I absolutely adored, but someone I would have NEVER had the courage to approach. I am still thanking my lucky stars that things unfolded the way they did, that I have the incredible honor of working with her to bring you this series of photography exercises. Thank you Jefra.

Without further ado, it is my great pleasure to officially introduce Jefra to you!

About Jefra, in her own words:

I’m a picture person. I love visual things. Gorgeous photos, design and everything else. The older and junkier the camera the better. And that includes digital cameras.

I think you get to know someone so well by just reading what they love – here’s me…

Jefra Starr Linn

Maker of messes
Would eat cereal for breakfast, lunch and dinner – oh wait! I do.
Gatherer of tchatchkes
Revels in design
Trys to do


List of cool stuff I love – – (in no particular order)
old wooden molding
bare concrete with a thick layer of varnish
mid-century modern
tacky vintage tchatchkes
stuff that’s really dry and understated.
glass – of all kinds (sea glass)
Chuck Taylors
Handwriting and scribbles.
Lens flares
Communication Arts, HOW, Luerzers
Graphite and ink
Film grain
Paper/ textures
Old yardsticks and tape measures
Toy cameras and old cameras. The more esoteric the better.
Fabrics (the fabric store is heavenly)
Abandoned places that once were called “home”
Old Buttons of all kinds
Anything antique, retro, vintage
Water and what it does to light and fabric/hair
Old buildings.
The beautiful work that Turner Carroll Gallery carries and curates ( ) – including my husband’s artwork – J Also – the beautiful work represented by EVO gallery in Santa Fe –
Station wagons.
Scanning stuff.
Birds. Birds on wires. Birds in trees. And just plain Birds.
Printmaking. And Letterpress. Of all kinds. I LOVE that stuff! Love this.
Etsy. I love everything about it.
Tacky. Tacky Christmas stuff. Tacky religious stuff – but only if it’s really over the top.
Positive/Negative play

I’m into Architecture In Helsinki and love Philip Seymour Hoffman and Cate Blanchett.

That’s all.


About Develop On Fridays, as written by Jefra Starr Linn.

What am I expecting? What is this anyway? Basically, we’re going to start out with (at least) the next four Fridays being dedicated to helping you all bloom and grow in your abilities, talents and confidence as photographers.

We’ll have a post and then following the post we’ll have an assignment to help you challenge yourself and develop.

We will have a forum and a flickr group for you to post these photos in and support and watch each other grow.

The posts will be something that will help you stretch and think a bit outside of yourselves. Nothing too intense or laborious – we’re thinking more like “Stretching” and “Exercises” – maybe like yoga for you and your camera.

I want to approach this a little differently than another ‘photographer’s workshop’ – I want to approach DEVELOP as more about “helping out” and “inspiring”. I want it to be very organic and to develop to our needs as we go, all the while focusing on a few concrete elements – design principals, light. We’re going to educate you and cut the leash.

The world doesn’t need me going on and on about how to use your camera, what an aperture is or whatnot. That stuff is everywhere and I think I’ll link you to a few websites that are really helpful in explaining those kinds of things.

I’m just going to approach this kind of biographically. i.e. – this is what I like – this is what works for me, this is what helped me.

Something that is very important to me and to this whole approach is you.

I’m only part of this. I want to help and lead, but more importantly I want you to form a net for each other. Ironically, as I’m writing this the song Lean On Me by Club Nouveau is playing in the background and I realize that they’re saying what I want to say perfectly –

“So just call on me brother, when you need a hand …We all need somebody to lean on …I just might have a problem that you’d understand …We all need somebody to lean on”

I want you to do this for each other. There’s no one know it all here and each of you have something valuable to contribute. AND something I say may not reach someone the way that YOU say it can.

Make friends. Find each other and lift each other. This is about you.


We hope you will join us on fridays.

Blog Comments

So exciting! Thank you both for doing this series!

Oh wow!! This is great!!! Can't wait to start!! 🙂

Oh wow! I'm so very excited about this! Thank you so much! 🙂

That sounds perfect, can't wait!!!

Nice to meet you Jefra and Liz this is awesome! Can't wait to get started.

SO excited!

I can't wait to get started with this! It's going to be incredible, I just know it!

This sounds perfect! I can't wait!

sounds so wonderful! Can't wait for Fridays!!!

Awesome! I'm so happy for this!

I am so excited!!!! Can't wait!

OH wow!!! how excited! She has such gorgeous work!!!!! <3

This is so cool! I'm really looking forward to Friday! 🙂

Wow! How exciting – can't wait! I have my own photography business but was just thinking that I have to find some type of workshop that challenges me creatively. This is EXACTLY what I was looking for! Thank you both so much for offering this!

I'm so excited about this! You both are wonderful!

What an amazing photographer. I am so excited for this…for you Liz, and for Jefra. What a promising adventure to look forward to!! 🙂

OH, this sounds so awesome!!! Thank you for doing this, both of you!!!

Liz and Jefra…I am beyond excited about this. I just got a brand new Digital DSLR and was trying to find something just like this. I am on board and anxiously awaiting Friday. Thank you for seeing a need and blessing us with this.

Can't wait. This sounds fab, Liz and Jefra! Thank you.

Wow! How fun!! Can't wait to get started!

You are quite the thoughtful woman. Cery community minded. I like you …lots. Thanks

So worth the wait! Sounds like fun.

so inspired…. can't wait until the growing begins! thank you for this opportunity…..

ohhh… and ahhhh and wow!!! this is going to be a wonderful adventure!!!!

thanks you guys!!! i'm so SO excited and can't wait to get our hands dirty (or our cameras stretched out….er, however that works…. 🙂

it's gonna be amazing thanks to you all!


Very excited to see what DEVELOPS!Thanks and looking forward to it!

Jefra, Jefra, Jefra! You are so amazing! Thank you for letting me know about this! I'm anxiously awaiting this adventure! I completely adore you and your work. (hugs)

Jefra. I met you at NV workshop and I can't wait to do this with you and everyone else. Thanks!


I'm in!!! Love this initiative!

how wonderful of both of you to do this! it sounds A-MAZ-ING.
i cannot wait.
thank you, thank you, thank you 🙂

Oh this is very very excitingggggggggggg!!! I'd loveeeee to get on this 🙂 Thanks a lot!!!

I'm so excited and curious ! Can't wait to start.

Oh wow! I already adore Liz to pieces and Jefra sounds like such a fun and inspiring person- this is too exciting!!

cannot wait!

Wow, this sounds exciting! I would love to develop my skills. Thank you to your both!


Wow! So exciting! Fridays just got even better!!

I think this sounds awesome.. I am so excited.. I have felt like I have been floundering a bit lately its winter for me which means I dont do alot of shoots and am trying to find ways to challenge myself which is getting kind of hard..

This sounds wonderful! I'm just learning with my DSLR and really need a kick in the rear to get started. Thanks so much for doing this!

I can't wait! Thanks so much!

Oh wow! So exciting! I'm really looking forward to this!

How wonderful and exciting- can't wait

this news rocks!
(especially after receiving so not so good news today)
looking forward to fridays.
thank you, liz and jefra!

I am IN. So very, very cool!

This is so exciting!!! I can't wait!

Thank you so much for sharing your gifts to us! I am so looking forward to this!

I do have a suggestion though: I hope you will consider forming a group on Facebook where everyone could join. I find that it is easier to keep track of comments/feedback on Facebook than on Flickr because FB sends you an email when a comment is made on your photo and other people's comment on photos you gave feedback on.

I learned a lot this way last year from my FB Project 365 group because the "conversation" is ongoing whereas you need to check your photo constantly if someone posts a comment on your photo in Flickr. I am actually on Liz's P365 Flickr group this year and I just find the FB experience more satisfying! Just a thought!

Malous – Thanks for your suggestion. We are in the process of figuring out what type of facebook group to open so your comment + your experience is very helpful.

Re your flickr account, you can set it up so that you get email notification when someone comments on your photos. 🙂 Let me know if you need help with that.

VERY much looking forward to this.

You are awesome.
what a great idea.
I am really trying to challenge myself in my photography and this is just what I need.
Cant wait to start.

Love it. I'm there!

jefra is so amazing that way. can't wait for next friday!

I bow to you, my dear Liz, to your talent, your creativity, your generosity…

sounds wonderful

Awesome Liz!!! Can't wait!!!

Yahoo. I can't wait. I have been looking at your blog for some time and love your unique style. Now I just need to figure out how to use flicker.

Yahoo. I can't wait. I have been looking at your blog for some time and love your unique style. Now I just need to figure out how to use flicker.

i'm in, just what i needed!


vey excited about this project! looking forward to it.

sigh… what an inspiring post! and hey! i eat cereal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner too! hahahha. anyway… this sounds so exciting! i can't wait to see more!

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