Quick 6×8 pocket page with memorabilia

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by the blog today. Today I have a quick pocket page spread using By The Hour WordArt  and a bit of Dwell Papers . One of my happiest parts of scrapbooking is including some of the many bit of memorabilia that I collect throughout my days. If I can actually include them in my books, I take it as a success! I am so proud when my huge stack of mementos gets smaller, even just by one piece! I find the 6×8 pockets to be the perfect size for larger mementos. You can crop but still have big impact to tell your story. 

One tip I have when using my digital elements, I keep everything! The floral strip from the Dwell paper is a leftover piece that I stored away and found to be the perfect touch for this spread. I don’t usually keep all scraps from my physical scrapbooking products, but when it comes to digital pieces I’ve printed out, I tend to keep them all together because I find that so many pieces from Paislee Press go together quite well! 🙂

-Jamie Waters

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