
Posted by | February 26, 2013
new in the shop, press cards no. 22

New in the shop today! Press Cards no. 22 includes a total of 12 journaling cards. The individual card files are great for digital layouts and digital project life spreads. ...

Posted by | February 25, 2013
8/52, a year of light

Basking in the light of this moment. Something as simple as building a fort so they can watch their favorite tv show together brings them so much joy. What simple...

Posted by | February 23, 2013
project life 2013, week 4

This is week 4. After doing project life for almost 2 years it feels like I've finally found a rhythm and settled into a routine of sorts. I know what...

Posted by | February 21, 2013
24/7 | a collaboration kit

New in the shop tonight is a new collaboration kit with Diana of Dido Designs. I've been a big fan of Diana's work for a long time - I love...

Posted by | February 19, 2013
right now (project life on my mind)

Right now I'm working on weeks 4, 5 and 6. Doing the mockups in photoshop before sending to print and has made a huge difference in this year's routine.  I'm...