
Posted by | July 8, 2013
documenting the hour, 7am

(A collaboration with Rhonda Mason) I'm excited to embark on a photography/documenting/blogging project with Ronnie of Pink Ronnie. Most of you know, I am a huge fan of her photography,...

Posted by | July 6, 2013
a, currently

age: 5 1/2 reading: magic bunny loving: watermelon, grapes, strawberries (All summer fruits, you would make a meal out of it if you could, just like your grandmother). drinking: soy...

Posted by | July 4, 2013
new in the shop: his and hers

How is it July already? To those of you in the States, Happy 4th of July. It's the first weekend of the month and you know what that means -...

Posted by | July 2, 2013
coming soon
Posted by | June 28, 2013
meet the new members of the 2013 creative team

First, I would like to thank everyone that submitted an application for the project life / pocket page artist call. I'm amazed and humbled by the talent that came in....