
Posted by | August 15, 2013
new in the shop + Quarterly Sale

Happy thursday friends!  It's Quarterly Sale time at The LilyPad! That means everything in my shop, including new releases, is 30% OFF thru August 19, 2013. I have three new...

Posted by | August 12, 2013
documenting the hour, 9AM

A collaboration with Rhonda Mason. When the girls were home on summer break our nine o'clock hour routine changed on a daily basis. Some days we would be out and...

Posted by | August 8, 2013
new in the shop : presslines no. 18

I have a new set of wordart in the shop tonight! Presslines no. 18 is a set of definitions and handwritten wordart stamps -  use them as titles for your...

Posted by | August 8, 2013
summer manifesto in progress

Happy Thursday friends! Just wanted to pop in to mention that I'm guest blogging over at Ali Edward's blog today, sharing my summer manifesto project. ps. Wondering how I put...

Posted by | August 1, 2013
new in the shop : downtime

This summer is just flying by. I can hardly believe it's August already. I've got three new products for the August BYOC (build your own collab) at The LilyPad, perfect...