The terrible two's has officially set in for Audrey (she's only 21 months). Lucky us huh? I hope this is a phase that will pass quickly. When she's not throwing...
The terrible two's has officially set in for Audrey (she's only 21 months). Lucky us huh? I hope this is a phase that will pass quickly. When she's not throwing...
Introducing a new line of vintage inspired yet decidedly modern frames + clipping masks:They are so versatile and will work well with just about any project: minimalist pages, shabby +...
I'm still at it. Shocker, right? I honestly did not think I would last as long as I have. But here we are, in mid-October and I'm still taking photos....
You know what's lovely? Having an inbox filled with emails about albums+scrapbooking+and all things craft. Nothing inspires me more than to read about your craft experiences or your excitement for...
i am proud of. As some of you know, I recently completed a HUGE photo book project documenting my daughter's first three months of life. The process involved curating over...