
Posted by | April 26, 2010
mondays are for wallflowers

Feels like it's been ages since I released a kit, so I'm extra excited to have something new to share with you.The kit is 20% off for presslist subscribers thru...

Posted by | April 25, 2010
blueprints sunday + vacation notice

Audrey has a new post up this week, focusing on how to manage a long-term album project. It's a great article, and she's even thrown in a few templates and...

Posted by | April 24, 2010
snapsnots of a two year old

"Look Momma, happy face.".........."Look Momma, binoculars.".........."[my face] smells like cake.".........."This is flip and flop."..........a (rare) quiet moment - mesmerized by Olivia..........She turned 28 months yesterday. Looking at this photo, the...

Posted by | April 23, 2010
fei fei’s stuff giveaway winner

Congratulations Kristi! Please email me to redeem swirls no. 2 by Fei Fei's stuff. And a huge thanks to Shaui for her generosity!!

Posted by | April 21, 2010
a fei fei’s stuff giveaway

Happy Thursday (it's thursday in Shaui's timezone) ! I'm especially happy today because Shaui (of fei fei's stuff) just released a new elements kit, spring swirls no. 2, and she's...