
Posted by | August 21, 2011
two years goes by so quickly

 2009 | 2011 photos processed using RadLab

Posted by | August 17, 2011
project life | how-to print on journaling cards

After I posted a project life update earlier this week, a couple of you asked for a quick tutorial on how-to print text on Becky Higgin's Project Life journaling cards,...

Posted by | August 15, 2011
project life | week of july 3rd

I've been on a black and white photo kick lately, mostly because I'm using RadLab (new photo editing photoshop plugin by Totally Rad!) to process my photos and running black...

Posted by | August 12, 2011
snapshots no. 3 | giveaway winner and more

The winner of the snapshots no. 3 giveaway is Congratulations Amy! I will be emailing you shortly with details on how to claim your prize. ..................................................................................................................................................... creative team inspiration Now...

Posted by | August 11, 2011
snapshots no. 3 (the photobook)

Like all of the albums from the snapshots series, Snapshots No. 3 is designed to help you put together multi-photo layouts with ease. The album kit includes 20 layered templates...