
Posted by | March 24, 2012
stamp giveaway winners

Thanks so much everyone for the awesome feedback on the stamps! We plan on doing more giveaways on other stamp sets that we haven't showcased yet in the next week...

Posted by | March 21, 2012
new stamps + giveaway

Super excited to share new rubber stamps designs with you today!  Well, technically the designs aren't new - most of them are based on designs that are already available in...

Posted by | March 20, 2012
new press cards (bold stripes and bright colors)

This new set of press cards might just be my favorite in the entire collection.  It features patterns from Daydreamer and like most of the press cards, stripes play a...

Posted by | March 19, 2012
project life | week 2 and 3

Got a chance to catch up on project life over the weekend and I'm happy to finally have weeks 2 and 3 completed. Didn't take too many photos in January...

Posted by | March 18, 2012
weekend inspiration

It's a rainy, stay in your pjs all day kind of weekend.  Perfect weather for curling up with a good book or catching up on crafting projects.  I might do...