
Posted by | May 2, 2012
Right now

It's a little bit of this and a little bit of that kind of week and I couldn't be more content. Right now I'm staring at the ceiling (it's the...

Posted by | April 30, 2012
a photo a day in april

Taken with instagram (some photos edited using an app called snapseed). Patting myself on the back for not missing a day in April. Now if only I could just take...

Posted by | April 26, 2012
hello there (a layout walk-through)

I've gotten a few questions about my design process in the past week or so, so today I'm going to walk through the steps I take to get from Point...

Posted by | April 24, 2012
hello there (the templates)

A new set of templates in now available in my shop! One of my favorite things to do is to pair a large photo spread with a multi photo layout...

Posted by | April 23, 2012
I don’t usually feel like a superstar on mondays

But today I do. Being mentioned on decor8 can kind of do that to a person? !!!!! Thanks so much Holly for the incredibly kind mention! Now if you'll excuse...