
Posted by | May 14, 2012
project life 2012: weeks 12 & 13

Some weeks are harder to complete than others. Some weeks I just don't have enough photos to fill out two pages, but squeezing them into a one page spread is...

Posted by | May 11, 2012
new krafty press cards

Two new sets of press cards are no available in my shop.  Press cards no. 14 is a set of 3x4 journaling cards. Included in this kit are a total...

Posted by | May 9, 2012
oceanside + the big white box

Yesterday we drove down to Oceanside for a Big White Box photo session with the amazing Jaclyn of The Image Is Found. I first had the pleasure of meeting the...

Posted by | May 7, 2012
project life 2012, a week in march

A super super simple project life entry. This is the week of March 11th. Right now I'm slowly transitioning back to using my DSLR again. This week has a nice...

Posted by | May 3, 2012
gallery album no. 2 + national scrapbook day sale

Lots of shop news today so let's get right to it! First up, a new album template kit. Gallery Album No. 2 is a set of layered templates featuring open...