Saturday morning light in our kitchen/dining room. This is where we spend the most time together. The first photo I took yesterday, set on aperture priority (ISO 250, f/4.5) turned...
Saturday morning light in our kitchen/dining room. This is where we spend the most time together. The first photo I took yesterday, set on aperture priority (ISO 250, f/4.5) turned...
1. One thing that's never really been intuitive for me is thinking about the year in terms of 52 weeks so I printed out a 2013 Week Chart and taped...
It’s the first friday of the month so you know what that means – it’s BYOC (build your own collab) Weekend at The LilyPad! I’ve got three new products in...
I love the embarking-on-something-new feeling. This is the beginning of a new album, Project Life 2013. There's no opening page (though I do intend to add a year-in-review/table of contents...
Friday morning light aka it's not always sunny here in California. (Instagram version here.) I tried something new this week. I ignored my inner voice, the one that tells me...