I’ve posted a few pages from our Spring Break Moleskine Photobook on instagram and today I’m finally tackling something that’s been on my to-do list for what seems like forever – sharing more photos and in-depth project details here on the blog. Finally!
For Spring Break (2017), we embarked on a whirlwind of road trip – driving from Southern California to Nevada to Utah to Arizona and back to California. In 5 days.

The intro page to the photobook is a map of our destination points. You can easily create your own custom road trip map using an online map tool (I used google maps). Enter all your destination points in the order visited to generate a route of your travels.
Then I added photos taken at each destination and arranged them on the map. It’s a fun way to portray an overview of the trip – a table of contents, of sorts – at the beginning of the photobook.

Interested in recreating this page to include in your travel books? Use my Travelogue No. 1 template set to do so quickly and easily.

The template above can be found in my Travelogue No. 1 Set.


96 Page Moleskine Photo Book
Printed at Milkbooks
Want to see more pages? Check (and follow!) my hashtag feed on instagram: #ltmoleskinephotobook