Hi guys. It’s Jamie here today to walk you through how easy it is to create personalized photo cards. As soon as I saw the High Five elements kit, I thought, not only would they be spectacular in layouts and projects, I knew they would be cool paired with photos. Initially, I thought I would make printables to hang with washi tape for my desk space area. Then I thought I would put them in frames and put them around the house. But then came a third idea, with a daughter off to college, I try to send her snail mail every now and then. I then realized, they would make awesome cards too! Here’s a few screen shots of my work flow. I’m using Photoshop to do these. Open element and photo in separate windows. Drag element on to the photo and resize as desired. It’s that simple! The hardest part for me was deciding which photos to use!
The next few samples are pretty straight forward.
Then as I was dragging a layer on to my photo, I realized that the block font with Liz’s handwriting would be a great pair! Here’s the screenshot:
Here are the final products once I printed them out. I printed them small on 4×6 photo paper, printing 2 on one sheet at a time. I knew I wanted the negative space on the cards I was going to put them on so I was fine with the small squares. I need to get some larger photo paper because the beach scene and the cactus print are ones I want hanging on my wall with washi tape! The cactus one was too cute not to look at all the time so for now it’s in a little frame on my desk. 🙂