currently : January

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Thinking about my one little word for 2015: trust.

Knitting projects in progress: a chunky cable hat and an heirloom christmas stocking.

Wanting another day at Disneyland just so I can take rad photos like these and these by Jamaica.

Sifting through our 2014 photos in an attempt to cut down on digital clutter*. I took over 15,000 (!!!) last year and so far have managed to get it down to 12,859. Still more work to be done, obviously. Don’t get me wrong. I treasure photos.  All of them. Even the blurry ones I attach sentimental value to, which makes this culling process so much harder. But I’m finally ready to admit that the number of photos I have is excessive and frankly, having too many photos to sort through, too many choices to make is a barrier to getting them documented.

Listening to podcasts while I knit. Current fave is: Strangers (anxiously awaiting a new episode). Also listening to Criminal, The Moth and Ted Talks. What are your faves?

*I can’t believe that I just labeled photos as digital clutter. I don’t even know myself anymore.

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Photos that you don’t love or plan to use ARE digital clutter. There are several academic studies that have shown holding onto a higher number of photos makes it more difficult to find the ones that really matter (had to read for my thesis).

Ooooooh. I’m intrigued Nat. What is your thesis, if you don’t me asking?

Succinctly, I’m going to study how regular people use their digital photo collections and how they want to use them (if there’s something they want to do but haven’t done).

More detail here (excuse the self promotion, but in case you’re interested more in the topic) –

In order to get to write my proposal, I had to read all the literature that other people had written on personal digital archiving (what regular people do with their digital stuff). I could go on for days 🙂 Some of it’s kind of depressing though because no one has found a good solution yet. But it’s a really nascent field.

Also, this reminds me of Marie Kondo’s book on home organization where she says keeping things that don’t bring you joy inhibit your ability to enjoy the things you really love.

Uhm, hello, where can I sign up for this master’s : )

Ha! I’m technically studying to be an archivist. The degree is in library and information science. Personal Digital Archiving is a fairly new niche in the archiving world, it’s only been a “thing” for about 20 years (new in the academic sense).

Ooooh you knit too! I started a couple months ago and LOVE it:) this one looms gorgeous.

It’s so addicting isn’t it? I learned to knit the beginning of last year. Made three seed stitch cowls before I felt brave enough to finally now tackle something more complicated. What are you knitting right now?

I’m almost done with a trendy chale scarf that I love, using Debbie Bliss yarn. Soooo pretty! And then i’m off to start a big chunky blanket 🙂

I loved the California Adventure tree, so much more than the Disneyland tree. I really wish we’d taken a photo in front of it too. Yours is so great!

PS. I love that I know exactly where you were standing when this was taken and where you’d probably just gotten the coffee. : )

PPS. I’m totally downloading your podcast recs right now…

I love that you love disneyland as much as you do. 🙂

What’s on your podcast playlist? I’ve already burned through all of Criminal and most of the Moth archives. I need something new!

I have been obsessed with True Murder – sometimes I wonder if there’s something wrong with me that I’m so intrigued by these stories haha but I’m glad to see other people listen to these crime podcasts too!
I am also working on cutting down on digital clutter of all kinds on my computer. I have so many files that I would never use again, as well as duplicates and boring photos. It was my goal to finish by 2015. Clearly that didn’t happen >_<

I’m a Serial fan so I’m definitely interested in checking out True Murder. Thanks for the rec Tina!

Good luck with your decluttering. 🙂

I listen to a few podcasts regularly: This American Life (and Serial, but now that’s over for a while); Ted Radio Hour; Raise Your Hand. Say Yes. Once in a while I’ll listen to a Moth but it has been a while… and I like State of the Re(Union) once in a while too. I need to find some more good ones this year! And I totally understand what you mean about digital clutter and no, it isn’t betraying our photo love : )

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