project life 2012: weeks 12 & 13

Some weeks are harder to complete than others. Some weeks I just don’t have enough photos to fill out two pages, but squeezing them into a one page spread is not enough. Week 12 was one of those weeks. I was sick and didn’t get out much, hence not much picture taking, but lots of “stuff” (like funny things Audrey said) that I wanted to include. The following week was a vacation week so Eric and I were out and about a lot but most of the photos were taken with our iphones. That threw me a little bit too because I usually stick iphone photos in the 3×4 slots. That works well for most weeks, but for an entire week of iphone photos, I needed a different approach.

This is what I ended up with, a regular 2 page spread with an insert.

The left side is all week 12, just photos and a simple note about being sick that week.

I used a baseball card page protector insert for week 13 photos. (got them at Staples, a similar one can be found HERE).The vertical slots were perfect for the iphone photos – mostly self portraits of Eric and I and photots of meals we ate throughout the week.


The back side.

The right side of the spread was used to document funny things that Audrey said throughout weeks 12 and 13.
I used a simple semi circle to connect the photo with the quote.

Supplies List: Becky Higgins Page Pockets Design A, Staples brand baseball card page pockets (similar one can be found HERE), paislee press press cards no. 1, and press cards no. 15

Photos edited using RadLab by Get Totally Rad!


Project Life is a memory keeping system created by Becky Higgins. Read more about it HERE. All of my project life entries can be found HERE.

Blog Comments

Totally love it!

LOVE the timeout quote! So cute, and something shell get a kick out of when she’s older!

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